I just read some stupid meme on what is "real" love vs "fake" love. News flash, "fake love is actually called infatuation, stupid. Secondly, teal love not only means loving another, but also loving yourself at the same time. Sound selfish? Well no, it's actually the truest form of love. Real love is recognizing the strengths and weaknesses in
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used to leave me feeling so vailidated, so understood, and like I really could go any where, do anything, be anyone that I wanted to be. My father was uplifting, funny, full of laughter, and always with a twinkle in his eye
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I was advised by my colleague that since I am HIGHLY vatta, I develop a routine, which is probably the hardest thing I could ever do. Seriously think I would rather run a mile or something and I HATE running. Gahhh so, okay, here is my "in a perfect word" routine
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When I ask the The Universe for a better life, it tends to give me more. sometimes the more can seem overwhelming, but I just take it in stride bc i asked for it (that's called OWNING UP). I don't worry about it, bc i'm only human I all i can do is control MY actions/words to try and send intentions forward that lead to positive results. (that's
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Have you ever felt - what I call- time space? It's not like deja vu, which generally has the feeling of your repeating something from the past ("like [it's] happened before). I personally think anytime you have a deja vu it's because you a repeating something from a past life. It is like a confirmation of who you are, who you were, and how- since
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