The good, the bad and the ugly

Sep 09, 2003 23:07

The good: The Roots concert FUCKING ROCKED! They put on such an amazing show...the drum solo was fantastic. Talib Kweli was also great, though he sounded a bit different live than on his albums. Overall, a fantastic night. You shoulda come Lillian ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

iwearblackglass September 10 2003, 05:57:07 UTC
hey hun, im glad you had an awesome time at the show! i had a good time seeing rainer maria yesterday...

about the whole rape issue. i agree with you that a man can get raped by a woman. i mean there are some very dominant females and weak men out there. and not many men are going to report getting taken advantaged of to anyone. oh well.


thepianist September 10 2003, 12:49:08 UTC
hey you- how ya doin? im doing ok i guess- miss you guys a lot!- tell stu i called her ok? if you dont mind will you send me her email addy?


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