Hmm, nothing that makes me particularly happy happened today, couldn't fly because of the weather and didn't get the windows in, although they're almost done.
So I've been looking at this journal here. It's been over a year since I posted anything so I guess I'll start with something that a friend tagged me on that I liked
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In case some of you have been wondering where I've been lately. I spent the last month or so moving into a new apartment. It's muh nicer than the last and comes equipped with the roommate that actually pays rent... and a washer and dryer
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I was sleeping when the alarm clock went off. My local morning DJ who is usually funny says ".... this will be like asking 'Where were you when Kennedy was assassinated
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The mood struck and I did a little writing this evening... A warning to my non-pilot friends though, you may not understand much of what is behind the cut, there's a lot of pilot jargon, but I hope I have conveyed the rest in such a manner as to be entertaining. If you do want to ask what something means just ask and I'll explain it.