Title: Love/Fear Author: memlu Fandom: A Separate Peace Pairing: Phineas/Gene Rating: PG Team: Camouflage
Love/FearI never feared Phineas; I never had the occasion to do so. I was jealous of him; very briefly I hated him; yet though I knew him as well as I did I never feared him
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What do they do when they're scared or absolutely petrified? Do they go crazy, or are they fairly calm, considering? Do they pray? Do they cry? As always, hatever you want to do with works.
And on to this week's winners...
Pink won again with 40 points while camouflage only had 20.
Title: A Man's Gotta Have His Pride Author: Writin'Chica2K Fandom: Canadian Idol 1 Pair: Ryan Malcolm/Gary Beals Rating: Heavy PG13 for abusive situations Disclaimer: People real, everything else fake Team: Good ol' pink Note: This drabble be basically an abridgement of my longer piece False Idol (end shamless plug :D)