Because my Myspace blog is being stupid...I'm posting these here!! This first one just had to be posted somewhere, no matter what, because I find it absolutely hilarious!! :)
I'm in a Dawson's Creek kind-of mood today, so here are some quiz thingies from The N that I took...Go to the site and take them too and post your results in a comment!! :)
I had a weird dream last night/this morning. I dreamt that my dad was the 5th member of The Beatles and we had to go to some strange reunion picnic and George and Paul were there with their families...Dhani Harrison was there...I love him...Anyway, there really was no point to the whole thing. But obviously George was still alive and Paul was still
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Okay, so I guess I didn't steal this from Crystal since she tagged me and all for this, and I still don't understand what that means, but whatev, haha.
Okay, I know I just posted an entry and whatnot, but I came across these quizzes and I had to take them and then post check them out! And perhaps take the quizzes then and post your results in a comment for me!!
I don't feel like doing much at work today (even though I know I need to!) so I figured I'd try to do a quick 15 minute update on my life, as I had promised the other night before I fell asleep while reading that Carlin book
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I seriously cannot believe that I haven't posted a decent entry here since the beginning of November! That's almost...eight months! Eight months! That's ridiculous!! I really have no excuse for the lack of updates, except that working full-time takes so much out of me, even if all I'm doing is sitting at a computer all day and researching. I guess
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