I must say that Hillary exceeded my expectations in the debate: I didn't see a clear path for her for victory although I was pleased that my pre-debate posted Facebook advice did indeed turn out to be her winning strategy: "IMHO, the best attitude that Hillary can project in the debate is light disdain for someone who is unqualified to be there and
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It's been a while since I was able to post an awards show fashion report due to travel (missed the Oscars and the local AFL awards night) so thought I'd make this Emmy report even more comprehensive than usual! (New feature this year: links open in a new tab so you don't have to keep hitting Back.) ( Fasten your seatbelts )
Watched this on the plane: It's the tale of a middle-aged woman who left her family to pursue a dream of being a rock musician (with only limited and small-scale success) but is called back home after years away due to a family crisis. The film is as predictable as you might expect but is probably worth seeing if you can do so for free or cheap
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Due to the fact that the awards cover both TV and film, the Golden Globes are one of the more populated awards of the year so this report is concomitantly long as well. ( The Report )
Apologies for the delay in putting this together, which was due mostly to the onslaught of the Fall Jewish holidays. Probably no one cares any more but to keep the streak alive, thought I'd post an Emmy fashion review ( round-up )