What a fun game

Nov 11, 2005 16:32

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) When did you last call no_one_to_hear? An hour ago or so
2) How tall is take_my_picture? Pretty short.
3) One quality you find attractive in spankymctuzy? His sexy jetta.
4) Are cellocore and xtrordinarylife married? Not so much.
5) Do you have whiteshirtsonly's screenname? <--- see also LJ name
6) Would take_my_picture and faeryfly make a good couple? Not really. Theyd drive each other crazy.
7) How would gwensexgf conquer the world? Probably without much trouble.
8) What is dontstopthefeva's favorite movie? Sex Starved Fuck Sluts Vol. 70
9) What languages does spankymctuzy speak? Funny ones. And French
10) If merchan and xwonderboyx were spliced together, what would be its name? Billcedes
11) Does andypiano smoke? Yeah, but he never has any when i want one.
12) If gwensexgf were hanging off a cliff, what would whiteshirtsonly do? Help her? I'd hope so.
13) Did xwonderboyx break up with you? I hope not.
14) Would you wrestle captain_emo in jello? Not so much.
15) Is no_one_to_hear popular? Probably the most popular guy i know, and for good reason.
16) What would you do if you found out faeryfly has a crush on you? Laugh. (haha)
17) Does steenmachine travel a lot? Kinda?
18) Has blue_gidget been to your house/dorm? Not my most recent one, no.
19) Would a1waysontherun go out with cristabelle? I'd have to vote no.
20) Is blue_gidget dead sexy? dead? no. sexy? of course.
21) If faeryfly was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Self Control. hahaha. Krissy you crazy.
22) Is spankymctuzy related to you? Nope
23) What mental disorder does steenmachine remind you of? Epilepsy? :(
24) If ir0cky0urs0cks and no_one_to_hear were siamese twins, where would they be joined? I dont know, that's creepy.
25) Is no_one_to_hear your best friend? One of them. I love you buddy.
26) Is emimonster in a relationship? I don't think so, i dont really know.
27) What planet should dontstopthefeva be from? Either the forest moon of Endor, or Planet COOL.
28) Where was steenmachine born? Same place as me, nogales fuckin' arizona.
29) Would you make out with a1waysontherun? Been there, done that.
30) What is merchan's biggest flaw? She can't drive! Oh, snap.
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