❖ MOON CYCLE 80 ❂ 08/29/11 - 09/04/11
Phase: Three-fourths waning. Though the moon is slowly waning, it still seems to shine brightly in the night sky.
Weather: Rather comfortable temperatures throughout the week, but it will get a little chillier towards the end as a cold front moves in. Some light showers during the weekend.
☀ - Sunny/Clear | ☁ ☀ - Sunny but cloudy | ☁ - Overcast | ≈ - Windy | ☂ - Rainy | ☂☂ - Stormy | + any other combination
Effects: None.
Notes: There's very little going on this week, so instead we're going to now officially explain everything that has just happened, particularly about
this post. Be warned, there is a lot of world-building information. Most of it has always been around, just in the background. We've written it to the best of our ability to help you understand, but if you have further questions, feel free to ask them here!
- Brief history recap. Since most players came in past Somarium's mid-life point, it's probably best if we reviewed what's happened so you can put all the new information into perspective. This is very cut and dry and by no means complete. If you'd like the full list of events that have happened, refer to the Event Timeline.
- First arrivals. When characters first arrived into Somarium, it was pretty much post-apocalyptic with the buildings in ruin and everything not as it is today. It was your standard fare ghost city. In a sense, really a ghost city.
- The "Overlord" and the floating castle. Other than the characters, there were a couple of "ghostly figures" that also inhabited the place. One of them is the NPC featured in the most recent event post. She had no name, but remembered being called as an Overlord. So the title stuck and she was around for a pretty long while. Downside is, she had no idea what was going on. Her memory was sealed, so she could only relay fragmented bits of information. She and the rest of her crew remained in the floating the castle that used to exist.
- Stuff happens. For a while, the standard fare of events happened. Disasters struck, city was rebuilt, eventually the NPCs that are here today showed up, and we now have Somarium as everyone pretty much knows it. The Overlord, on the other hand, wasn't as social as in the past and remained inside the floating castle. We incorporated the moon cycles and soon our monthly cycles became officially integrated into the game.
- Nightmares. Though more subtly hinted at than actually told, during the New Moon cycles, bad things usually happened that related to the nightmare element of the game. Monsters would come out and there were hints of some crazy black haired lady controlling them. This part has been played up a lot more in the recent months.
- Castle fell and then bad stuff happens. Last year, the floating castle crashed into the desert and the sink hole and creepy statue appeared. Since the Overlord had been missing, many theorized that she had been brought down along with it. Of course, there were no concrete answers.
And that is Somarium's game plot history in a very small nutshell. And in all that time, everything about Somarium pretty much remained a complete ball of mystery. Slowly we've been bringing out more about Somarium to lay out some foundation blocks for what is to become. Looked at separately, it might not make much sense or seem that important, but it will in the future. So now we're going to elaborate on the most important elements that players will need to know. Most of this is a rehash of what can be found here.
- Dream energy. Both a natural energy and magical resource, it’s the special feature of Somarium. It can be manipulated and used with some training and can be found pretty much anywhere. Though the world has its own natural reservoir, dream energy also comes off dreams from all over the multi-universe. In a way, it’s sort of like mana, but it’s not a life source. If it ever disappeared, the only thing lost would be all the magical capabilities it provided.
- The moon. The moon basically affects how the dream energy reacts to things. When the moon is going towards full, all the "good" dream energy is strengthened. When the moon is going towards new, all the "bad" dream energy, or nightmares, is strengthened. It serves as a sort of harmonizer and balances the influence of the dream energy out.
- Dream gates. The pathways that connect Hypnosia to other worlds. As mentioned before, dream energy can be found anywhere in any world. The dream gates connect to those pockets of dream energy and create the pathway. It’s similar to creating a road or link or channel. Portals were once used to allow free travel between worlds, but now the gates are messed up. Connections are now made at random chance. A portal is currently being constructed to try and return everyone home, but it’s going to take a very long time. So don’t think about the end game yet, we still got a ways to go.
- Dreamwalkers. Dreamwalkers are those who can create spiritual or astral projections of themselves while asleep. It’s basically the “dream self,” so it’s similar to a clone. Dreamwalkers can enter other dreams as well as use other abilities both inside dreams and outside in the real world. They are made up of dream energy, which is important to note. There is only one way to kill a dreamwalker: kill the actual body. Even if the dreamwalking form is "fatally" injured or harmed, it will only cause mental damage and strain on the person. Some may recall the dreamwalkers from past events.
- How are the characters dreamwalkers? OOCly, it was explained that when a character arrived into Somarium, a "dream self" was formed. Basically, a dream clone made of pure dream energy was created the moment the dream gates connected, and remained even after the gate disconnected. They are completely separate, which is why events from either world would not affect each other. This also explains why dead characters can exist even though they are dead back home. Their clone was made right before that moment of death.
- Can my characters use these fancy abilities? Yes-but not yet. We do have plans to fully incorporate the whole dreamwalker concept, but we will take it slowly. In the future, characters will have training sessions, and we will also have more dreamwalking related events. It may even become a standard element of the game.
- So WHY are they dreamwalkers? What's the big deal? As many know, we've been slowly bringing out the plot of Somarium out over the past year and a half. Most everyone knows that there is some kind of antagonist running around back there influencing all the bad stuff that happens. We closed the September cycle because we plan and will be introducing these plot elements.
- Evil nightmare lady. Yes, there is an evil nightmare lady, and she has a name but we'll let her introduce herself when the time comes. She is the reason why everyone is here to begin with by using people from other worlds to try and gain more power. Hypnosia can "suck in" the dream energy of other worlds, and she wanted it all to herself. So she ended up screwing up the dream gates trying to create as many connections as possible.
Also, characters that are made of pure dream energy also provide lovely fuel on their own. Anyone remember that weird vision of a woman killing that girl we introduce a while? Those who were around for the murder mystery may recall the event as well. yeah, she absorbed that girl's dream energy for herself. She kind of wants to do that to you, too. Not nice, huh?
- Sylvani's role. Sylvani, a.k.a. the Overlord, tried to stop evil nightmare lady by messing with the dream gates. She managed to at least alter the portal system so that they would at least make the characters land in Somarium and not somewhere else. This is also the reason why her memories kind of got sealed away.
So in short, your characters did have a purpose to come into Somarium, but it wasn't a very good one-originally, anyway.
- So that leaves my characters with... Clearly, nightmare lady still wants to take over, and she has been targeting Somarium for ages now. There had been a war in the past, which will be explained ICly this month, and that will also explain their current situation.
- War?? There is indeed a war going on in the backdrop. Characters have had a little taste of it, but have yet to actually be an active part of it. This is the temporary direction that the game is heading. We say temporary because this war is merely another plot element of the game-it is not the focus of the game. Once the war is over, things will still carry on and it's possible for future player antagonists to rise-in fact, they can still rise even now. Even if nightmare lady is defeated, the nightmare element will always exist.
So this means, characters and players will have the option to go out and deal with the threats. It will be completely optional ICly and OOCly. But that is why characters knowing that they are dreamwalkers is relevant-they will be learning how to use those abilities both for everyday situations as well as for any future battles that they may participate in.
- I did not sign up for a survival/horror game. For those who are now concerned at the direction this is going, worry not. We have said in the past several times that we are bringing out the darker plot elements of the game and have hinted at this type of direction. In the past, most events have been mostly reactionary-we want to make it so that characters can be more proactive and give both players and characters a sense of purpose and new options to play with. We are also following the natural progression of the plot.
Also, all such events will take place outside of Somarium and in other locations. Some will occur closer or in Somarium, but the larger ones would be outside. Yes, your characters will be affected in some way, but it is also possible to still ignore for the most part and not participate should you choose not to.
The best way to explain how Somarium will be like for the next several months is like this. The country is at war, but the focus is only on one village. There are those who leave to fight, and those who stay behind. Somarium will balance both, with most of the focus on what happens within the village rather than what happens in battle.
Please note: When we say "future," we mean months in the future. September will have the beginnings, such as what is happening and the start of trying to help characters try out their new abilities. The release of information is sudden, but this was the only thing that will be "fast paced." The rest will be taken at a more, slow and steady pace. Naturally, some things may have to be a little faster paced just by their nature, but we will try and make this so that it's a slow progression. Your characters will not be suddenly be thrown into the middle of an active war.
- ...Yeah. Okay. You lost me. That's okay. This is quite a lot of information and may take a few rereads, particularly since these are all new concepts. If you have any questions or need further clarification, just ask!
And that's it. Take your time, let the information digest, and ask any questions you may have.