I don't know if I can do this. I say it all the time and people think it's a joke. I've done this before, two deployments down, one coming up sooner than I ever expected. Where did the time go? It seems like only last week I assured him that early 2017 was a great time for a deployment. It meant he'd be home for almost a year. Not straight, of
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Comments 12
You've captured the elements that are important to remember about a military family, that it's not just one person making a sacrifice to do this work, that it's everyone sacrificing time with a spouse, a parent, a sibling... or sometimes the whole family is uprooted and sent to far flung points on the globe for a couple of years, only to be sent somewhere else just as distant.
Best to your family and hope for all of the elements you collectively need to get through this time well!
I think sometimes I only have a glimpse of it. We have be blessed enough to be stationed in my home town since my husband and I met over 8 years ago. Our children know at least some of their family and I have friends and family I can depend on to help. I dread the day I know what its really like and we have to move arcoss the country or even move to a new country.
We developed family rituals. Looking at the full moon and saying "Daddy sees this too" was a point of connection in an age far before emails. Dad taped himself reading my favorite books so I could hear his voice even when he was on the far side of the world. As a child, little things mattered so much more than an adult realizes.
I kept up those traditions with my kids.
I hope you and yours can find some peace traditions of your own.
Thank you. I think we will do the moon thing. My hsuband partcipates on united theough reading so we have one disk of him reading a book but I think one night we will record a few more because although he is going to do it again this time, last time took weeks for it to arrive and I know that by then we will be tired of the very hungry catapillar. Sometimes my daughter requests to watch her "Daddy video" even on duty days.
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