I am typinnng thiiis onnn one of the ccomputersss at the Wwelldon Librarrrry sssssoo asss tto confirm and dddddddooocumennntt theeee fact that theeerrrrre isss something serioussssly wroong withhh the keyboardsss. This is utteerly normal tyypiiingggg that, on aaany otheer keyboarrd, produces uttterrlllyyy normal results. In thhis
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I'd blather on about some stupid thing here, but I think that this can probably make a better sum of my recent life than any crippled description I'd produce. Have a listen. It may be one of the best songs ever recorded.
I ran across this and thought that someone who reads this might find it interesting.
My subconscious is one working-overtime badass of not-quite-coincidences sometimes. I was home for most of today 'cause my shift was cancelled. Last night/this morning, I learned that one of my favourite comics has ended. When I got home, I started cruising
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This was probably the smoothest Christmas ever had in my memory. No one fought in any significant way and everyone got things that they wanted. Not bad, say I.