Community rules must be followed at all times. Moderators have the right to ban members and as such, those that do not follow the rules will be given two warnings. A third offence will lead to a ban. If you have any problems or complaints, please contact a mod, and we will look into it as soon as possible.
If you have any questions that are not answered here or in the
FAQ, please leave a comment on the FAQ!
✦ Respect other members and the moderators at all times. Discrimination or bullying is not tolerated. Any OOC drama should be kept out of the community and dealt with like adults, or reported to a moderator who will help smooth out any problems. At all times remember that OOC =/= IC, and your personal feelings should not affect your character's.
✦ No godmodding or metagaming. For those who do not know, this means you cannot; control another player's character, do things such as injure another character without the player's permission and your character cannot know things they have no way of knowing just because you as a player know them.
✦ Please use correct grammar and spelling. If you are unsure as to whether your spelling is correct, please run it through a spell-checker. We're not going to penalise you over mispelling a few words, but consistent bad grammar and spelling will effect your application.
If your character has any canon quirks, such as chatspeak, they use when typing, please ensure you put up a permissions post as some players have difficulties reading this.
✦ While we understand that individuals have different views on characters, we ask that you try to stay in character as far as possible. We understand that a character may change over the course of a roleplay but please keep this under control. If you have a problem with someone's characterisation, please consult the player in their HMD post - which are compulsory for this community - but remember your comments must be constructive criticism and not flames.
✦ There is a limit of FOUR characters per player in this community. This may be any combination of fandom and original characters, however each player is only allowed to play two characters from any given fandom. Mods reserve the right to reject an application for further characters based on activity of existing ones.
✦ Stay active! Activity checks will occur randomly, at least once a month. When an activity check occurs, you should be able to supply us with at least one journal entry and two separate threads in which your character has five or more comments to be considered active and pass the check.
If you will be on hiatus you need to post a hiatus notice
here, hiatus notices elsewhere will be ignored. If you unexpectedly have no computer/internet access, please try to get another player to post a notice for you.
If you have been unable to post a notice and you lose your character but then return to the game, if your character has not been claimed by another player, contact the mods who will assess your situation and possibly allow a reclaim.
✦ This community is het and slash friendly and allows mature themes. However, all logs must have a suitable rating and warnings, and R/NC-17 posts should be friends locked and marked for adult content. Any posts that fall into this category and aren't locked may be deleted.
✦ Applications may be closed for a short amount of time if mods find that the amount of incoming applications is too high. If this happens, players with reserves will be able to keep their reserve until applications reopen.
✦ Anything that you wish to share with the community out of character should be posted to
parei_ooc. This includes posts to tell other players that you're going on slowatus/hiatus, introductions and dropping posts but also memes, mod posts and activity checks.
✦ Logs and action threads should be posted in
parei_logs and appropriately tagged. A log is written in third person past tense and involves tags that are normally 200 words or over. An action thread is written in first person, usually present tense, using some form of brackets to denote actions. Please appreciate that some players prefer certain forms of logs and will specify how they prefer to be replied to.
✦ Finally, remember to have fun, that's what roleplay is for!
Premise ⁞
Locations ⁞
Rules ⁞
Taken Characters ⁞
Reserves ⁞
Applications ⁞
EventsFurther links for members (some links may be accessible by members only) are below!
Housing ⁞
Player Contact ⁞
Suggestions ⁞
Hiatus&Dropping ⁞
Main Community ⁞
Logs Community ⁞
OOC Community