102: Wendigo

Jun 19, 2010 07:30

We are on a roll! Thank you to all of our new watchers and members and everyone who has participated so far! There are still prompts left for The Pilot so feel free to keep playing over there if you like. :)

Spread the word! Don't forget to take a banner and tell your friends!

Q&A Check the intro post if you have any questions.

One housekeeping item: If your fic is more than one part, please post the second part as a comment to the first part. This makes it easier for me to link them in the master lists.

Ok, let's get started!

Cap by oxoniensis.

Ghost and the Darkness (drabble) , by tahirire  Roy: "I was hunting these woods when your mommy was still kissing you goodnight."
Woulda,Coulda, by khakigrrl   Sam: "I should have protected you. I should have told you the truth."
Prodigy, by tahirire  Sam: "The man can barely work a toaster, Dean."
Not Funny, by borgmama1of5   Sam: "Things have gotten more... complicated."
Rage Against, by tahirire   Sam: "Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay."
1995, by khakigrrl  Sam: "Go! Go!"
Hey Jude, by blacklid    Dean: "Dad will have answers. He'll know what to do."
Six Oh One, by blacklid   Hailey: "Must you ruin the moment?"
House Rules, by blacklid   Dean: You wanna drive for a while?  Sam: In your whole life you never once asked me that
Through The Haze, by sweetdvl358  Sam: "Dean!"
Why Do I Always Have to Wear the Dinky Little Costumes? Drabble #1, and Drabble #2,  by poestheblackcat  Dean: "Sweetheart, I don't do shorts."
Comfort,  by tigriswolf  Dean: "Dude - check out the size of this freakin' bear!"
Bloodlines, by tigriswolf  Haley: "How do you know about this stuff?" Dean: "It kinda runs in the family."

102 - wendigo, season 1

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