Direct quote from the recently-issued Doctor Strange straight-to-video animated film: Doc: 'do you feel that?' Ancient One: 'Step away from the Nexus, Stephen.' Doc: 'But if the answer's here, then--'
Since his LOLing into a teenager, Doc's taken to spending a bit of time every day on the stoop. Seeing who comes and goes, what they have to say about themselves by their behavior. There's no way to actually live in the world if you don't actually go out into it.
Doctor Strange's kitchen is large and spacious in the manner of a kitchen built around a coal stove that's been retrofitted- the kitchen table is clean and empty.
"Wong, if you could be so kind as to bring my medical kit?" Doc asks as he leads Spider-Man in through a dimensional portal. "And if you could have a seat, please, Spider-Man."
I don't really log in to keep a diary here: my diary is kept in a private location, as it should be. I am on livejournal to participate in the amusement that is sages_of_chaos.