This is still tentative... waiting for my evaluation to finish, and then I'll talk with my adviser, but barring any unforeseen circumstances, this should be my course plan for the fall semester
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21 June, 2006 - Roberto asked me to court him 29 December, 2007 - Roberto asked me to marry him 18 August, 2008 - Roberto married me 21 June, 2009 - We celebrate 3 years of being together
There is something at work that makes my ears ring constantly. No clue what it is, but it's as annoying as all get out. Grrr. Just inside the store... no idea why. Makes it hard to concentrate
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Four Mexicans come into the store, one of them is the appointed speaker as she speaks the best English. Granted, it was better than my Spanish, but some things were still lost in translation. She was, on behalf of her compatriots, trying to figure out what we had that they could get. One gentleman (and if you've ever seen those troll dolls that
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I have work in an hour at a store I've never worked at before. Am very nervous, because I won't know people, or where things are in that store. I hate stores that are arranged differently. Ah well. It's money, and I need that
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