Noisy Noise~

May 29, 2008 18:22


001) Name: Laura
002) Age: 18
003) Spoiler-free votes? It doesn't matter. I normally get spoiled, regardless.
004)Do you want to be voted as a boy, girl, does it not matter? Doesn't matter.

You must provide three links to other applications you have already voted for.

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005) Strengths-
I've always considered intelligence and my ability to think rationally to be my main strengths. Of course, these alone are insufficient to be successful, but they do help. I'm very good at problem solving, puzzles, coming up with strategies, thinking ahead, and removing myself emotionally from a problem. I also am very much in control of my emotions. I rarely get angry or lash out, and I can normally remain calm in tense situations; I also think before I act rather than rush into things. I suppose this is why people like to come to me for advice, as I am pretty honest with my assessments. People also say that I've always been fairly mature, and people still think I'm older than I am when they hear me talk or read something I've written. Those who get to know me also tend to say that I'm 'fatherly' and somewhat 'soft', despite my 'harsh' exterior. I'm also fairly confident. I know what I'm good at and what I need to work on, and I know my limits. Self-confidence is not an issue for me.

006) Weakness-
I don't like getting close to people. I am pretty cautious, and I don't get personal with people I don't know well. Well meaning I've gotten to know them over the course of at least a year. Because of this, people see me as cold and distant (and I'm often told I'm intimidating). I do act nice or friendly to people, but it's normally superficial, since honestly, one won't make it in a social environment if they're a complete antisocial jerk.
Since I am fairly honest, though, I do come off as a bit of a 'jerk' at times--I can be quite blunt. I also do admittedly 'use' people, though rarely enough to make them angry. Just things like acting nice to someone in school so they'll work with me on a required group project. People also say I can be a bit hard to read, and sometimes I do have ulterior motives. I also have weird ways of showing that I like a friend's company--I'll tease them, scold them, or otherwise do things that one wouldn't traditionally think a close friend would do.

007) Likes-
Reading, learning new things (but certainly not going to school), pathology, physiology, psychology, cooking, music, tea, video games, graphics, anime/manga, my cat, quiet places, getting time alone to myself.

008) Dislikes-
Loud noises, people who fail to recognize the need for change, people who are intolerant, needless stubbornness, rudeness.

009) Hobbies-
Reading, playing video games, experimental cooking, thinking, studying (but never for school).

010) Annoyance-
Rudeness, mainly.

011) Favorite School Subject(s)-
Biology, psychology, chemistry, calculus, anatomy, theory of knowledge.

012) Dream and goal-
I want to be either a coroner or autopsist for the CDC. It's a job that I'll enjoy doing, and it should be fairly secure, as there's always need for autopsies. I think I'll be able to live comfortably on the income as well. Even if it wasn't secure or well-paying, I'd still want to do it. It's important to me to have a job that I enjoy and that I can constantly learn from.


013) What's your favorite brand (game or real life)?
I'm not much of a person for brands. I buy what's affordable and comfortable, but still at least somewhat presentable.

014) What is your typical style?
Simple. A nice shirt and some jeans, a plain tank top and a skirt if it's warmer, things like that. I guess it's almost bordering on 'business casual' sometimes. More emphasis on the casual than the business, though. It's still something I could go to say, a job interview, in.

015) What outfit are you not brave enough to wear?
Anything too revealing. It's not that I'm embarrassed or anything when it comes to wearing outfits like that, but I just look better in other forms of clothing. And they're not that comfortable. I'd rather not worry about being at least somewhat modest when I'm wearing clothes.

016) Is there a certain piece of accessory that you constantly wear or carry?
My glasses, I suppose. They are prescription, but my vision is 20/20. I think I only need them for long periods of reading or any similar activities, but I wear them all the time regardless.

017) Let's dress Neku up in a--!
Sweet loli outfit. For giggles.


018) How do you listen to your music?
Either on my computer or on my iPod. The earbud type of headphone isn't comfortable (they're always too large for my ears), so I always use my big headphones. People always know when I'm listening to music because of that.

019) What are you listening to at this moment?
Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra. My taste in music is very varied, though.

020) If you had a background theme, what would it be?
Something composed by Howard Shore, perhaps. He did the background music for some of my favorite movies (The Silence of the Lambs, The Lord of the Rings, ect.) Or maybe John Williams (Star Wars, Indiana Jones).


021) What kind of food would you constantly munch on?
Fish and tofu. Not together. But these can be in most any form--sandwiches, salads, bowls of noodles, ect. I also like curry.

022) What is your favorite restaurant to eat at?
It really depends on my mood, but I like restaurants with unusual menu items.

023) Any drink you prefer to go down with your meal?
Tea; iced tea, hot tea, thai iced tea, milk tea, sweet tea, any type of tea. I also like some types of wine and other alcohol (not beer, though), which I drink rarely and in moderation (my parents give the okay. It's in our heritage to drink wine with some meals.)


024) What does friendship mean to you?
I'm not sure, exactly. I can't pin an exact meaning on it. It seems to be a bond formed amongst individuals. They care for each other and support each other, but also allow for individual growth.

025) In exchange for a chance at life, what would be your fee or most precious thing to give up?
I suppose whatever relationships I have formed. I rarely form really deep, honest relationships, and they take a while.

026) If faced with the decision between harming your friends or letting harm come to yourself, what would you do?
I would try to think of a way for no harm to come to either. But if it's one or the other, I'd consider how much harm is to be done, and side with whichever would cause the least amount of harm. If both are equal, I'd then ask my friends, if I had the chance--would they be willing to take it? Could we possibly work out another way to do things? But if not, I'd sacrifice myself--as long as it wasn't going to kill me. There's little point in making those I care about live on without me for the sake of their lives. They'd experience some degree of guilt, no?

027) Someone has just forced a pact with you and they're your complete opposite!
Deal with it and get the job done. Maybe I can learn something from them. And if not, maybe they can learn something from me. Or if we're not learning anything, I'd tolerate it. What good would it do to argue excessively or act stubborn?

028) Get Ready! Time to fight! What's your style (full force, weapon, tactical...)?
Tactical. I'm not the type to rush in and beat something to a pulp. I strive for efficiency. I'd rather defeat an enemy with as little physical force as possible, landing a few effective blows rather than waste my time and energy with full-forced hits.

029) If there was a place you'd meet your friends, family, or associates where would you pick?
Somewhere where we all knew and that was easily accessible to all of us. I'd probably pick something like the train station near my house. I can easily walk there, as can my friends, and it goes to most anywhere we'd want to go.


030) Betrayal or Sacrifice?
It depends on the person. I'm more inclined to betray if I'm not close to them, and perhaps even if I am. I'd only sacrifice for a select few.

031) Teach or Learn?
Learn. I hate teaching.

032) Easy to Trust or Suspect?
I suspect others, and I wouldn't be surprised if they suspected me. I trust people I barely know with minor things, but not much. Like I've said, it usually takes a long period of time to build up my trust in someone.

033) The world is polluted or worth living in?
I think it is polluted and flawed, but still worth living in. How else are we going to improve it? Things don't usually change themselves.


034) Is graffiti art?
It can be. If the artist has technique and was expressing themselves, then yes. Most graffiti I see isn't what I'd consider art. But I have seen some rather nice pieces.

035) What design is on your favorite Badge/Pin?
Design-wise, I like Pyrokinesis and Daruma. But I haven't beaten the game yet, so I still have a lot more pins to see.

036) Would you play in a Tin Pin Slammer competition?
I don't see why not. Once or twice, I suppose.

037) Which character would you love to hang out with?
Neku, probably. He could be interesting to talk to and mess with. Hanekoma also seems like a fun guy to hang around, and Minamimoto could be entertaining to talk to.

038) Which character would you hate to be in a pact with?
Beat is just a little too loud for my tastes.

039) Is it really a Wonderful World or does it End With You? Why can't it be a wonderful world that ends with you?

☠stamped joshua

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