Let's make some noise!

Sep 18, 2008 01:18


001) Name: Masheli
002) Age: 17
003) Spoiler-free votes? I don't care about spoilers.
004)Do you want to be voted as a boy, girl, does it not matter? Honestly? I don't care.

You must provide three links to other applications you have already voted for.

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005) Strengths- Strength-wise, I'm intelligent and motivated, and I'm naturally very curious. I always try to keep an open mind, and I'm generous when it comes to my friends. I'm very enthusiastic, and it's easy for me to break out of seeing my world only one way. I'm easy to amuse, and it doesn't take much to keep me in a good mood. Give me music and a bus ride any day!

006) Weakness- On the other side, my enthusiasm applies to everything, and coupled with my family and how loud we all are, this can lead to me being too loud outside of my family. I let some people overpower me when I really ought to stand up for myself, and I like to avoid confrontation whenever possible, even if I know confrontation is the only way out. I'm terribly phobic of hypodermic needles, and at one point even the word freaked me out. I'm emotionally high-strung, and if it doesn't take me much to be amused, it takes even less to set me off. I'm better about that last part than I used to be, at least. I'm not patient with people who don't listen the first time I tell them a thing.

007) Likes- anime, manga, books, video games, psychology, learning new stuff, RP, writing, NaNoWriMo, drawing, school living in Alaska (it's so beautiful up here. I never want to leave.)

008) Dislikes- needles, math, homophone confusion, homophobes, people who are stubborn and won't at least agree to disagree, walking places

009) Hobbies- RP, reading, writing, playing video games

010) Annoyance- My grandpa and a few other relatives of mine seem to love coming up with conspiracy theories. The lights in my town are scheduled badly? Oh, the oil companies and the people who schedule the traffic lights must be making a big buck off of this! ...Actually, a lot of what comes out of his mouth annoys me, even if I do love him. Seriously. Just because I'm younger than him doesn't mean he knows more about computers than me.

011) Favorite School Subject(s)- ...Everything but math, considering that my school only covers "core" subjects. (Math, English, Social Studies, Science, and PE.)

012) Dream and goal- I want to become a psychologist. I've always wanted to be in a profession where I can help other people, even from a very young age. I realized I couldn't really take up any obvious health care professions, so I floundered for a few years without any real goal in mind until my freshman year. This was after being helped through some of my personal issues by a few very good psychologists, and I decided that was the road I wanted to take as well. Dream-wise, in the far-off, misty future when I've paid off my inevitable giant student loans and netted myself a Ph.D in psychology, I'd like to have my own fairly big property somewhere on the edge of Anchorage's city limits, where I don't have to see cars or people if I don't feel like it, and I'd have a big house with dogs and horses where my friends and folks could come and hang out with me if they wanted.


013) What's your favorite brand (game or real life)? Real life? No preference. In-game, I like the way Lapin Angelique's dresses look (and the thought of sticking Neku or Joshua in them makes me giggle).

014) What is your typical style? Jeans or other comfortable pants, comfortable shirt, jacket, sneakers. Lots of pockets.

015) What outfit are you not brave enough to wear? Anything that shows my legs. I never wear shorts or short skirts, because my legs are horribly scarred up.

016) Is there a certain piece of accessory that you constantly wear or carry? Not really. I mean, I always have my iPod and headphones, but I doubt they really count.

017) Let's dress Neku up in a--!


018) How do you listen to your music? Loud. I'll probably have hearing loss from it if I don't already, but I always listen to my music loud. Lately I've taken to wearing over-ear headphones again (white skullcandy low-riders~) but that's mostly for "show", because people on public transit and even in the car with me don't seem to get that when I have my music going, I don't want to listen to people or talk to them.

019) What are you listening to at this moment? My playlist right now is a terrifying mix of the TWEWY sountrack, Nanoha OSTs, and Mass Effect soundtrack.

020) If you had a background theme, what would it be? ...Oh dear god I keep getting this question and I never have a satisfactory answer. I can't think of just one, and it's really hard for me to think of songs that go well with characters, let alone me. It'd probably be something as loud and bouncy as I usually am. XD


021) What kind of food would you constantly munch on? Would, or do? Because if it's a matter of would, I would munch on fruit and berries forever. Practically speaking, pretzels.

022) What is your favorite restaurant to eat at? Anywhere they serve good steak that isn't too spicy. My family swears I can detect pepper and spices in parts per million.

023) Any drink you prefer to go down with your meal? Pepsi, lemonade, or strawberry lemonade.


024) What does friendship mean to you? Friendship means you always have someone's back, and you can rely on them to have your back. It means that you can share things, and even if you disagree and fight, that doesn't mean it's the be-all and end-all of that bond. It means that if something happens, you're willing to give it another shot, willing to forgive, and willing to tell someone if something they do honestly grates on your nerves. Friendship is another way to better yourself as a human being.

025) In exchange for a chance at life, what would be your fee or most precious thing to give up? ...I'd say all the emotional healing and maturing I've done in the past three years. I've grown up a lot in a hurry, and I would never want to give up the emotional stability I have now.

026) If faced with the decision between harming your friends or letting harm come to yourself, what would you do? I'd harm myself, no questions asked.

027) Someone has just forced a pact with you and they're your complete opposite! ...well, crap. I'd complain the whole way, and they'd probably want to smack me a lot, but I'd work with them.

028) Get Ready! Time to fight! What's your style (full force, weapon, tactical...)? Hand-to-hand, full-force. I know some Tae Kwan Do, and what I don't know, I can improvise, right?

029) If there was a place you'd meet your friends, family, or associates where would you pick? The hill at my elementary school. I like to go there to do my thinking anyway, because when school's out, it's usually pretty peaceful.


030) Betrayal or Sacrifice? Sacrifice. I'd rather give myself up than turn on someone.

031) Teach or Learn? Learn. I suck at teaching.

032) Easy to Trust or Suspect? I think I trust way too easily for my own good.

033) The world is polluted or worth living in? Worth living in. Even if there are people who honestly suck, the more people who lead by good example, the better things will get.


034) Is graffiti art? It can be, if done right. Just a "I SPRAYPAINTED HERE" is not art.

035) What design is on your favorite Badge/Pin? The Rhyme pin. It's so cute!

036) Would you play in a Tin Pin Slammer competition? At first, I hated that minigame so much because I didn't know what I was doing, but now? Oh hell yes.

037) Which character would you love to hang out with? Kariya, probably. He's laid-back and seems to be pretty easy to get along with if you're not insanely driven to get to the top.

038) Which character would you hate to be in a pact with? Beat or Minamimoto (not that the latter's really an option, but still.) Beat gets on my nerves anyway, and I'd feel a very strong urge to smack him across the head until the stupid fell out, and Minamimoto... made me want to throw my DS, I don't really want to know what it'd be like if I had to spend a whole week with him.

039) Is it really a Wonderful World or does it End With You? It's a Wonderful World out there, so go enjoy it!

☠stamped shiki

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