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Semester Test Preparations
Tomorrow starts the week before we give semester tests, so I spent most of the day deciding what I was going to include this year for the various classes. Some teachers brag that they are so methodical that they can actually reuse the tests from one year to the next. Bet the students have that all figured out! Encourage cheating much? Ya think?
Tomorrow, I'll stay late and actually write at least one… I hope.
I had the itch to get home tonight and play with the footage I pulled into the computer from Teresa's camera and mine. I've decided on "Pandemonium's Millennium Party" as the title. The music I want is Franz von Suppe's "Light Cavalry Overture". Would you believe, I have to ORDER IT FROM Germany? I'm still stinging from the comparison between the new format DVD and what WAS the top of the line. My snow shadows were blue; hers were crispy white and gray, the line sharp and clear with no sense of pixelation even when she shot the road nearly 1/8 mile away! Smugly, I realized I was still the better camera person in reflexes and framing.
Sigh. Since we can never re-video the herd on the millennium, buying the tape takes precedence over buying a new camera, especially since my old one is still working, even though the on/off button froze in the on position. Everything thawed out okay, and in all honesty, I knew the temperature WAS way below the operating specs for the camera before we even went outside.
Next Last updated 12/28/15 Reconciled Travelsfar content with SummerCircles, so this entry jumped from 98 to 272 words; 12/11/15 Added colored day of week same as Travelsfar; changed -- to ∼ to match Travelsfar; 11/8/2015 Standardized headlines; 3/26/10 Chained into novel. Added to TOC. 8/2/04.
Word Count: 272