Table of Contents (SOTFW: SC summercircles) Table of Contents (Despina's IGJ summercircles) Table of Contents (travelsfar) Back Despina's Infamous Green Journal
One Down
What a day! At least I stuck to my schedule - one semester test done. I think I can use parts of the same material for Spanish I and II, once I get it written, as you can't forget the subject pronouns or the -ar verb endings as you gain knowledge. That will help a little bit, at least.
No editing time on my tape tonight. In truth, I'm too tired to even turn on all the equipment. Balancing my checkbook over lunch didn't help. Tape and postage may take my milk money before we hit payday again. Now, THAT'S really depressing.
Think I'll just hit the hay early.
Next Last updated 12/28/15 Added material from Travelsfar; 12/11/15 Added colored day of week; changed -- to ∼ to match Travelsfar; 11/8/2015 standardized journal title; 3/26/10 chained into novel; added to TOC. 8/2/04.
Word Count: 115