1/13/01 Survived the Week ∼ from Despina's Infamous Green Journal (1/26/16; WC 286)

Jan 13, 2001 18:04

Table of Contents (SOTFW: SC summercircles)
Table of Contents (Despina's IGJ summercircles)
Table of Contents (travelsfar)
Despina's Infamous Green Journal

Survived the Week


Well, today was pretty good.  I woke up at 5:30 and was able to ROLL OVER and doze.  Teresa, Naomi and Willis came over again, so we made food (none of us can really cook, so the results are pretty funny, but when we get hungry, it all goes down well.)

It was overcast, but we shot some video again, using only Teresa's camera, and wormed all but the babies.  Then I decided Omyno was getting to be a man, so we separated him from the mares so if we suddenly had a warm patch, there'd be no accidents.

One thing that turned out WELL was a huge pan of scratch German chocolate cake, minus the coconut in the icing, as none was on hand.  The problem is that now I have about half a pan left.  It sure is easy to overeat on that stuff!  Every pan in my cupboard is dirty.

Tomorrow, I guess I'll spend a few hours doing the dishes.  Oh, joy!

I dreamed again.  Cu was shot again, and he was running away, slipping into total stranger's rooms and scaring them at first as he still had blood on his face.  It was sort of like David Jansen in The Fugitive, although he's not a doctor.  He can always get people to believe in him and take enormous risks to help him, even if they may not realize how risky it is.  He just has that kind of a magnetic personality.

I wonder why my psyche had to go and marry him off in the first place, if it was just going to turn around and kill her off?  Dreams are WEIRD.


Last updated 1/26/16 Added to Summercircles (updated from Travelsfar12/7/15 added ∼; colored day of the week, time headings; 11/25/15 standardized heading and tags; 3/26/10 chained into novel and added to TOC; 8/2/04.

Word Count: 286


sotfw: sc: digj

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