Title: per ardua (my little prince) Pairing: sukai Rating: pg-13 Genre: romance, model!au Length: ~4,800 Summary: Junmyeon takes pictures of Jongin and falls in love with him halfway between Madrid and Seoul. A/N: written for curledupkitten at forjongin
Title: Midnight Rendezvous Pairing: kaibaek Rating: pg Genre: romance Length: 4,085 Summary: Baekhyun has an attachment to the nighttime, and somewhere along the road, he begins to have an attachment to a certain Kim Jongin. A/N: written for veepzing at thebaekfest
Title: to the stars in the night sky Pairing: sekai Rating: pg-13 Genre: romance, highschool!au Length: 19,000~ Summary: Sehun stops looking for the stars in the sky because he finds one right next to him. A/N: written for hoaegi at sncj secret santa 2013 translated fic in vietnamese
Title: you're burning up (i gotta get it fast) Pairing: lukai Rating: nc-17 Genre: smut Length: 1196 w Summary: Lu Han brings a cute boy home from the club.
Title: tell me your definition of love Pairing: johnlock Rating: pg Genre: romance, character death, canon (extremely) Length: 1229 w Summary: John's definition of love is a pocket watch that never stops ticking.
Title: you know I might (turn the stars and moon into light) Pairing: sterek Rating: G Genre: romance Length: 1400w Summary: Derek learns that warmth exists even in the winter when Stiles is around.