Title: suit and tie (on the floor tonight) Pairing: luchen Rating: nc-17 Genre: smut Length: 1755w Summary: What's worse than getting a call from your boss after office hours? Getting a call from your boss after office hours while your boyfriend is fucking you into a window.
Title: when the clock strikes twelve (the last hour) Pairing: taokai Rating: pg-13 Genre: dystopian!au Length: 6000~w Summary: Can you imagine a world where thoughts are formulated by medication, and friendship and warmth and family are forgotten concepts? That is a utopia. That is the world Kai lives in. That is Cadeau.
Title: when the clock strikes twelve (the last hour) Pairing: taokai Rating: pg-13 Genre: dystopian!au Length: 6000~w Summary: Can you imagine a world where thoughts are formulated by medication, and friendship and warmth and family are forgotten concepts? That is a utopia. That is the world Kai lives in. That is Cadeau.
Title: when the clock strikes twelve (the last hour) Pairing: taokai Rating: pg-13 Genre: dystopian!au Length: 6000~w Summary: Can you imagine a world where thoughts are formulated by medication, and friendship and warmth and family are forgotten concepts? That is a utopia. That is the world Kai lives in. That is Cadeau.
Title: all that's waiting is regret Pairing: kaisoo, onesided!sekai, platonic!hunhan Rating: g Genre: slight!angst, romance Length: 825w total Summary: You don't have to understand love to feel the pain.
Title: loosen that tie (and belt) Pairing: sekai Rating: nc-17 Genre: smut Length: 1236w total Summary: Jongin gives up on life, and Sehun wonders why Jongin's his boyfriend.
Title: can you feel my love? Pairing: sekai Rating: nc-17 Genre: smut Length: 1307w total Summary: Sehun is simultaneously a coy bitch and a needy lover.