Nov 09, 2012 22:59
Have you ever been checked into a mental hospital? Please tell me why and your experience.
Nov 09, 2012 18:21
Today I watched YouTube videos of deaths and injuries caused by Black Friday customers. It was just a reminder to not go shopping that day. Plus I don't even have any extra money! Oh and why the heck are pregnant women out there in the craziness? They're so dumb!
Nov 09, 2012 18:07
Today's been pretty cool. To end the day I took my kids to Denny's for dinner. Then treated them to an oreo milk shake. I had a kid's sundae. Yum!
Nov 09, 2012 18:05
I'm pretty much living in a fatties paradise. :)
Nov 09, 2012 16:55
My friend from work told me skinny people are not happy because they don't eat. Well not fun food anyways. lol Kinda true. I'm currently happy cuz I'm such a fatty enjoying naughty foods.
Nov 08, 2012 23:21
If you can't fall asleep I recommend you just spank yourself and tell yourself to go to sleep! That's what I do lmao.
Nov 08, 2012 23:11
Currently sitting in my car enjoying some me time. So nice.
Nov 08, 2012 03:42
For those of you that are bipolar. How did you know you have that? What symptoms do you have that prove it? I'm wondering if I am bipolar.
Nov 07, 2012 21:00
I'll be taking a pregnancy test tomorrow when I go to my doctor appointment. Just want to see if my birth control has failed me....Boy I hope not since I'm on medicines that would affect the growth development.