Summary: The Noah Clan has mostly recovered from the battles on the Ark. However, Tiki's new habit of drinking alone at midnight is only one of the things worrying Devit. Prompt: 012. Melancholy Disclaimer: The D. Gray-man series and characters don't belong to me. Notes: Thanks to cattheterrible for beta reading.
Summary: Spirits are high as the twins take to their roles as the proud owners of a pet chicken. Tiki is not so pleased. Prompt: 002. Bounce Disclaimer: The D.Gray-man series and characters do not belong to me.
Summary: The members of the Noah family attempt to recover after the disastrous battles on the old Ark. They lost so many things there, and Tiki still isn't waking up... Disclaimer: I don't own the D. Grayman series or characters.
Summary: It would have been like Kanae's own fairy tale, except for her fiance's odd sister. Disclaimer: Shoujo Kakumei Utena and associated characters are (c) Be-Papas, etc.
Summary: Thanks to Linali, the Noah Clan discovers their secret weakness. Prompt: 038. Encounter Warning: If you object to Noahs being beaten with crutches, don't read this fanfic.
Summary: An account of the lives of Jasdero and Devit, American folk heros born to an Amish farmer and raised by chickens. Prompt: 041. Data Disclaimer: D. Gray-man series and associated characters do not belong to me.
Summary: Jasdero wonders which of his and Devit's injuries will scar, and who will bear the scars. Prompt: 044. Scars Disclaimer: D. Gray-man series and characters do not belong to me.