Title: Spring Fandom: Harry Potter Characters: Laura Madley/Theodore Nott Prompt: 013. Yellow Word Count: 400 Rating: G Summary: Theodore realizes that the colors around green make it what it is. Author's Notes: None ( Once, when he was seven, he saw the color of death. )
Title: Did you want one? Fandom: Harry Potter Characters: Laura Madley/ Theodore Nott Prompt: 001 [Beginnings] Word Count: 393 Rating: G Spoilers/Warnings: None Disclaimer: All characters of Harry Potter belong to J.K. Rowling and her group and what not.
Title:Renaissance Fandom: Harry Potter Characters: Laura Madley/Theodore Nott Prompt: 002. Middles Word Count: 563 Rating: G Summary: In the middle of all things, they return to what was their beginning. Author's Notes: None ( What he called the middle of their time she called their Renaissance. )
I hate LJ. Rawrg! It's not as cool as GJ but all the communities I heart are on here. I want more user pics for a free account.. omg GJ does a million zillion for free. It's like.. LJ, muhgawd. Anyhow
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