It's good to hear from you! I miss seeing you guys!
Motivation is a tough one. I find that I can generally only be motivated on one thing at a time. So if I'm working hard at an exercise program, the house is a mess. Or if I'm trying to get caught up at work and working overtime, the eating program goes out the window.
What does help me is making a big list of a lot of things I want to get done, and then making a really small weekend list of things I want and can accomplish. Checking stuff off the list helps.
FAmily stuff - wow. I hope your dad improves. That bites.
SCA front - don't let the poopyheads getcha down. I'm not gonna let any of it bother me.
SCA Project inspiration - start with some sangria... ok seriously it comes down to creating the fun environment. Think to yourself - whens the last time you really challenged yourself to make X? What kind of challenge do you want? New direction? Refinement on an old direction?
Hiya! It's so nice to see you posting. I miss you all and this is the only way I have of feeling connected to so I kinda live for moments when old friends post :-)
Sorry to read about your Dad. I'm glad he went in for treatment quickly and was able to go home the same day. I hope he feels better soon.
Don't know what to tell you on the SCA front, I'm struggling with my own special SCAdian hell atm. I'm just trying to focus on the good stuff and let the other stuff slide off me like water off a duck's back. Some days it is easier to be a duck than others. Today I'm quacking. Yesterday, so NOT quacking.
Comments 5
I'll sew with you anytime! Good chatter, a bottle of wine, and you'll have war clothes in no time!
Ok, so I totally didn't mean for that to rhyme! :)
Motivation is a tough one. I find that I can generally only be motivated on one thing at a time. So if I'm working hard at an exercise program, the house is a mess. Or if I'm trying to get caught up at work and working overtime, the eating program goes out the window.
What does help me is making a big list of a lot of things I want to get done, and then making a really small weekend list of things I want and can accomplish. Checking stuff off the list helps.
Good luck!
FAmily stuff - wow. I hope your dad improves. That bites.
SCA front - don't let the poopyheads getcha down. I'm not gonna let any of it bother me.
SCA Project inspiration - start with some sangria... ok seriously it comes down to creating the fun environment. Think to yourself - whens the last time you really challenged yourself to make X? What kind of challenge do you want? New direction? Refinement on an old direction?
Sorry to read about your Dad. I'm glad he went in for treatment quickly and was able to go home the same day. I hope he feels better soon.
Don't know what to tell you on the SCA front, I'm struggling with my own special SCAdian hell atm. I'm just trying to focus on the good stuff and let the other stuff slide off me like water off a duck's back. Some days it is easier to be a duck than others. Today I'm quacking. Yesterday, so NOT quacking.
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