. FAQ .
Please ask any questions here! Comments will be deleted after the question has been added to the FAQ itself.
Joining Cards Trading Rewards Deck Mastery Prize Claim Card Fairies Event Badges Deckmaking Reporting Member Conduct Broke a Rule? Joining
Q.: How do I join?
A.: Go to
this post and follow the instructions there.
Q.: What's a card post? How do I make one?
A.: A card post is where you keep track of cards currently in your possession, and other things such as trading logs, activity logs, level, mastery badges, et cetera. The card post is also where people go to when they want to trade with you! Information your card post needs to include:
- A link back to tcg_exchange;
- Your name (the name you signed up with);
- The number of cards you hold and your level (for leveling up purposes);
- Your currently held cards (it is generally a good idea to split them into current decks, future decks, things you want to keep, things you want to trade, and so on);
- Your trade logs (people you've traded with, the cards you traded and when) and activity logs (cards you have earned and when/where from). Alternatively, you can link to trade/activity logs that are in other posts;
- Any other info you deem necessary!
Q.: AHHH. That's a lot of information! How do I do all of that??
A.: You can pilfer a template
Q.: Why do you ask for my birthday on sign up?
A.: If it is your birthday or was your birthday recently, you'll get gift cards!
Q.: What are cards? What do I do with them? How do I earn them?
A.: The cards are just pixel graphics! Each card has a unique picture, a number, and the deck name in them. If you collect all the cards from a deck, you master the deck. You can trade cards with other people to help you master your decks... and you can help out our affiliated communities or participate in the occasional games to earn more cards. That's all there is to it.
Q.: What are special cards?
A.: Special cards aren't unlike normal cards. The difference is that they're larger, the number of cards in special decks tend to vary, and special decks are all themed - either all cards fall under a specific theme, or they form a puzzle, for instance. Special cards are more rare than normal cards; for this reason, each special card is worth two normal cards in trade. Otherwise, they work the same as normal cards, and you master special decks as you do normal decks. You also earn special cards the same way you earn normal cards.
Q.: What is trading? How does it work?
A.: Trading is simply exchanging cards you own for cards someone else owns. You can trade cards you don't need for cards you want, or you could trade cards you sort of want for cards you want more, and so on! You can trade with any of the
participating members by going to their card post (linked to from the member list) and proposing a trade. Generally, you check their post, and see if you have any cards they might want (or any other trading rules they've set up), and if they have cards you want - and if so, you comment in their post with your card offer. For official purposes and ends, a trade is considered completed once the two players have posted the cards to trade, either as an image or as a text link to an image of the card(s) in question.
Example successful trade. Keep in mind the player may not always want to trade, in which case you might
fail. Don't pester people to accept after they've already declined!
Q.: I have a card I can't get rid of!
A.: If you have a card you can't seem to trade off, you can bring it to the
card exchange, and get it exchanged for a random card. Do note you can only visit the exchange once a week, and have to follow the weekly exchange limitations explained there. You can also visit the
card shop, and trade in your unwanted card for any card listed at the shop.
Q.: Are there other ways to earn cards?
A.: If you help out with making decks by donating images or suggesting names, you'll win the rewards listed in the posts asking for that help (usually 1-3 random cards OR random cards from the deck you helped make). If it's your birthday, you'll receive 3 random cards, one B rank certificate, and one S rank certificate as gifts! Freebies are also handed out from time to time, so keep an eye out for freebie posts on the main community.
Q.: Why do mods have so many cards?
A.: Moderators get paid for their work to keep the community running! They get payment for making decks and for their designated posts' upkeep. How much a mod gets paid depends on how large a job they have! Payment is designed so that mods won't get TOO many cards, though. Mods also get paid only once a week.
Deck Mastery
Q.: How do I master a deck?
A.: You master a deck by collecting all 20 cards from that deck. Once you've collected all 20 cards, post a comment
here with a link to your card post and trade log. You will be given your mastery badge, and a prize for the feat! After you've received your badge, update your card page with it, and comment in the appropriate deck post (there is a list
here; alternatively, you can navigate our
tags for anything marked with !deck:[etc]) so that your name can be added to the list of masters of a specific deck. You can also claim an
event badge if you're the first person to ever master that deck!
Q.: Can I trade cards from decks I've mastered?
A.: Not if you've already received your master badge and collected your reward. Once a mastered deck is acknowledged by the moderation, it becomes permanent!
Q.: Do I need to display mastered decks in my cards page?
A.: Not at all! You can remove the cards from the deck from your page, although they will still count toward your total card count. To keep it from getting cluttered, you can display only the mastery badge - but you have to display at least the mastery badge, or the mods won't know to count your 20 cards!
Q.: I have choice cards pending from a prize post/official post/event badge claim. Can I claim my deck mastery?
A.: Please read
this for clarification.
Prize Claims
Q.: How do I claim my prize cards for participating in the affiliated communities?
A.: You can claim your cards in the corresponding prize post for that community. You can find a list of communities and the links to the prize posts
here at the affiliate list.
Q.: I've claimed my prizes and haven't gotten a response yet!
A.: Confirmation from the community moderators is required before prizes can be handed out. Usually, the prizes should be handed out within no longer than one week. If you haven't received your cards after that much time, please recomment - either we missed your comment (we're not perfect) or the mods for the community haven't done their part yet. One way or the other, you will receive an update.
Q.: The mods from [insert community here] promised me a larger prize than what I got! What gives?
A.: Only the prizes listed in this community are valid. If they promised more, they lied - feel free to
let us know so we can remove our affiliation with them.
Card Fairies
Q.: Card fairy? The hell?
A.: The card fairies are two cardgrubbers charitable fairies living in
neonclover and
ririkit's closets. Whenever a member quits, the card fairies stop by, collect their cards, and flutter from member post to member post, handing out the leftover cards.
Q.: ...But they're collecting cards.
A.: Well, the fairies need to amuse themselves. They are fickle fairies, and their interests change on a daily basis. If they want one of your cards, they'll make offers, just like a regular player.
Q.: ...This fairy is trying to bribe me.
A.: Being fairies, they can conjure up cards with their magical powers. If they really want one of your cards, they may make crazy offers. Of course, they get punished if they step out of line, but sometimes we don't see it...
Q.: You mean they can MAKE cards? Why are they collecting, then?
A.: They would like to ask you to kindly ♥ shut up☆.
Event Badges
Q.: What's an event badge?
A.: An event badge is something shiny you can display on your post as proof you are one of the few people to have done... something shiny. There's a variety of shiny things that will earn you an event badge - being an early contributor, being the first person to ever master a deck, hitting a specific number of trades...
Q.: Do I get anything for getting an event badge?
A.: Well, other than the badge itself, depending on how shiny your shiny accomplishment is, you may earn some rewards too. :3
Q.: Kickass. Where do I get one of those?
A.: See
this here post!
Q.: Can I make a deck?
A.: No. No, you can't. We have a fairly large team of deckmakers already, and quality control is fairly strict - and even if you would be able to make a quality deck, which I don't doubt, we don't really need any more help with that. But you can help by providing images for decks, and suggesting names! You can earn up to 3 random cards, or cards from the deck you help out with, by just doing that.
Q.: WELL I'M A DECKMAKER. Can I make a deck? 8D
A.: You can, if you claim one of the decks in the
pending deck list. Please claim the decks with higher priority as those are more eagerly awaited~ And please do not ask me in private whether you can make a deck, or jump the gun and say somewhere else you want to make it - claim it in that post only. That way all deckmakers have an equal shot at making the decks they want. What, I have an advantage because I update the post? This is true, but I'll generally not take on many decks immediately unless I really love the fandom. LASTLY, if it's a deck from a series another deckmaker had already been working on (i.e. Ookiku Furikabutte has been made by
technological so far), they have priority for that deck. If they don't want it, THEN you can claim it.
Reporting a Member
Q.: Hey! No fair! [insert name here] is cheating/being rude/starting drama/breaking the rules!
A.: If you think a member has broken the
rules, please drop a comment
here so the mods can take appropriate action.
Broke a Rule?
Q.: What happens if someone breaks a rule?
A.: It largely depends on the rule they broke, but "punishment" in the form of card fines or bans apply for most cases. Examples:
Moderator Misconduct
- Inappropriately paying themselves (payment revoked, card fine may apply);
- Cheating (card fine of up to 90% of the owned cards* and demotion if moderate, ban if severe);
- Favoritism and/or inappropriately handing out prizes (prize handout canceled, may be demoted from the position);
- Disrespect toward fellow moderators and/or players (ban)
Player Misconduct
- Cheating (warning if very lightly, card fine of up to 75% of the owned cards* if more severe, ban if very severe);
- Disrespect toward moderators and/or players (ban)
* Based on whichever is highest between the card count listed in the member's post and the actual card count.
Q.: What qualifies as light/severe cheating?
A.: Cheating "lightly" can refer to either accidentally doing something wrong, or unknowingly doing something wrong. For instance, accidentally picking more cards than you should've when getting rewards, writing down the wrong number of cards/trades/etc in your post, or mistakenly saving cards that aren't yours. These usually go by without any punishment and just a friendly notice/warning.
Moderate cheating is basically malicious cheating - making up trades, gifts and rewards you didn't have to fake your card count/trade count, save cards you never received to trade them/master a deck, and so forth. The punishment for this kind of cheating is a fine of up to 75% of one's owned cards if a player, and demotion from the position plus a fine of up to 90% if a moderator. Lighter punishment may be applied if the cheater in question owns up to it. If they don't and in fact try to lead the mods on, their fine instantly goes up to the top tier, because we're terribly cruel like that. In other words, don't cheat, and if you cheat, don't get caught. :D
Severe cheating are repeated instances of malicious cheating, impersonating other players, joining the game with duplicate accounts to give yourself sign-up cards, and other extremely lame things you'd only do if you're a sad individual with no life. Since sad individuals with no life are icky, punishment is permanent ban. :)