Upcoming Events:
News to be posted here when there are some.
Pre-Approved Player Events:
Those are things you can decide to have happen to your world without requiring mod approval.
Some landmark, or even an entire town, has disappeared to be replaced by a gaping toothy maw in the ground.
Shadows in your worlds have become weird. It might only be some or a few of them, but their shapes are bizarre and unrelated to the objects casting the shadows.
A landmark, such as a forest or a building, has become completely pale.
More to come.
Other Player Events:
If you have an horror event/plot or other major event you wish to run, ask about it in a comment here. Events without such major ramifications (like a birthday party, etc.) don't need approval.
Suggestions for mod-run events should go in the suggestions post, but suggestions for player events can go here.
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