Well I attended a meeting of Forest Hills borough council last night. I asked for and was given a copy of the petition and necessary filing papers to run for a seat on council
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Less than a week ago, James Price, age 46, parent of an 11-year-old, was bicycling when a man driving a white car over 60mph and texting, hit him and ran, on Penn Avenue in Point Breeze. Price was killed
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I loved Werewolf: the Apocalypse. I’m not ashamed to say so, but it’s funny how hard that is hard to write. I really did adore the game, but the cynicism that my generation got so good at during its collective twenties still kind of nips at me. It still feels sort of dorky to have unabashed affection for something. I admit that the game had
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The game I'm running, as I mentioned, is D&D 4e with the Essentials books. This makes the game relatively straightforward; the themes are not complex. There are villages. Villagers. They need savin
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Here are some things I've learned from (RPG) gaming with kids (and their parents) over the last few weeks. Some of this is obvious and some is stuff I'd forgotten about. We're doing D&D 4e, the Essentials books in particular. The Essentials books help streamline the game quite a bit; somebody says "I want to be Gandalf" and we get a fair amount
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At a recent soccer practice, one of the other dads noted that his son wanted a jersey for some guy whose name he couldn't remember but who might play for a Spanish team. "Lionel Messi?" I asked. From the lack of recognition on his face, I realized I may as well have said "Lionel Trilling?" I wanted to shout: "You know, the best player
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I have had the account tenzil@io.com since, I'm pretty sure, 1993, when Steve Jackson Games ran Illuminati Online (io.com). I switched to IO after having been tenzil@netcom.com for a while
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