TF Valentines 2011 N to Z

Feb 14, 2011 02:12

  • You’re a total sweetheart, you know that? X3 Not to mention an absolutely awesome friend. I hope you have a great chocolate-heart-appreciation day 8D
  • You’re forthright and speak your mind and a wonderful writer, and special.
  • Keep being awesome, girl!
  • Simply put, you are made of 100% pure win and awesome. Your fics are gorgeous, and I love your writing style. If it wasn't for you, I never would have had the courage to write and post fanfic, and I'm really grateful for all your encouragement :D

  • Your art inspires me and I'm so glad we are becoming friends. You have a warmth that you bring to this fandom, and it really helps make it a wonderful place. Thanks for mod-ing such an awesome comm, as well. xoxoxo
  • I love your posts, art or not!
  • Your artwork is beautiful. And your cats - all of them - fabulous. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Happy Valentines Day! Lots of love <3.
  • I'm glad we're friends. Your perspective is always helpful, your enthusiasm is infectious, and your courage is nonpareil.
  • I'm going to give myself away with this but I don't care. You are a great inspiration for me and your humor and wittiness are something I find refreshing and comforting. You make my love for a certain pair grow more and more and your generosity inspire me to try to do more for other people when I can. I want to meet you so bad.
  • Your artwork makes me smile, and your kindness, and, of course, the kittehs!
  • Your art is beautiful, of course! But you're an extraordinary person, too--I hope I can be something like you, some day. Thank you!
  • Hands down my favorite artist in all of TF-dom...and I'm including the professional comics artists here. <3
  • I think I might have been a casualty of your last flist purge, but it was a fair cop. I still love your art. *goes back to lurking*
  • Your drawings are sexy, and you say the most encouraging things.
  • Your art amazes me.  I adore everything you've done!

  • Just because I haven’t been in touch for a while doesn’t mean I don’t still read your fics and still think they’re fabulous. Still the ultimate inspiration. Thank you!

  • We haven't talked nearly as much lately as we used to, I want to change that and I want us to get closer than we're now due to circumstances. I love talking to you even when I don't sound like it, just remember I consider you my friend now and forever. We need to RP more.

  • <3

  • I'm always thankful to have met you in this fandom, and that we continue to find new ones to enjoy together! Thank goodness for video games. ;3

  • Your stories rock so hard! You are great!
  • Your Hippocratic Oath, though short is a favorite. So much potential. Happy Valentine’s Day
  • Moar Hippocratic Oath?  You rock.

  • I send warm kisses and all the respect I can for everything you do for fandom by keeping the tfanonkink intact
  • Thank you for all that you do for us. You make fandom a great place to be!
  • I have to give you a nice warm thanks for all the work you do for the 'Anon Transformer Kink Community'.Happy Valentines Day!

  • I don't know how I could ever thank you enough for all you've done for me. I hope we get to hang out more this year and have many wonderful times.
  • Your stories rock so hard! You are great!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day

  • You're so wonderful and understanding. Thanks for never giving up on me.

  • You are the sweetest person I know. <3
  • Your artwork is incredibly fantastic and fantastically incredible! So beautiful! A toast to your success! <3
  • I love you and i always shall, no matter how much of a crabass you are sometimes ♥

  • Outstanding femme! I have loved talking to you and RPing with you!
  • You’re so fun and enthusiastic, and you *own* Ironhide/Chromia - thanks for always brightening my day!
  • You're so magnificently crazy in all the best ways. I want to go zombie hunting with you!
  • Your characterisation absolutely rocks, and you have a very cool thing going on with your art style too. Plus, you're really interesting and your writing is always engaging. Rock on! :D

  • Happy Valentine's Day

  • Happy Valentine’s Day

  • You not only write one of the best fanfics I've read, you're an amazingly dedicated and awesome person!
  • You are the type of reviewer that comes along once in a writer's creative lifetime if they are lucky! Your reviews are always so well thought out, articulated, and I cherish every one. AND you are also a wonderful writer! I love all of the worldbuilding you pour into your stories.
  • You're an amazing writer, and a fabulous reviewer. The fandom is lucky to have you.

  • Always has the best journal posts and her icons are amazing. GIVE ME YOUR SKILLS.
  • Your icons make me laugh. Thanks for sharing the shenanigans!
  • If noone ever told you how much awesome your icons are, I'm telling you this.
  • Your icons are fantastic, your humor is...sidesplitting and you're an all around awesome person!
  • DUDE GUESS WHAT. YOU'RE FUCKING AWESOME. B) You crack me up like nobody's business and are one of my favorite people to boot.
  • You never fail to make me laugh.
  • for awesome icons and lots of laughs
  • How do you always turn out such amazing icons?! I envy your talent.
  • Your sense of humor and style are amazing. I think your confidence is sexy! Keep rocking on like a boss. <3
  • YOUR ICONS ARE FANTASTIC!!!!!! ^U^ I also love how you do your nails!
  • I came for the icons but I stayed for the Pell. You rule.
  • The amazing supplier of seemingly endless brilliant icons!
  • You terrify me sometimes, but i wouldn't have it any other way!

  • I know you're not very involved with TF fandom right now, but I'm still so, so glad to have you on my flist. You are smart, insightful and funny, and you never fail to brighten up my day.

  • I LOVE your TC/Warp fics!!!

  • Your fanfics on the Aerialbots and Protectobots are just to cute! Looking forward to reading more of them. <3
  • Best. Person. Ever. You're honestly amazing and whenever I receive a comment from you, I smile.
  • I’ll be honest… I’m still at a loss as to where you get all the cuteness for your stories o__o But that confusion aside, have an amazing day! You rock, in every possible way XD
  • I friended you because I liked your posts about all the animals you take of. You're a really awesome person, and your stories about the Protectobots make me smile. Go Toast and Kettle!!!
  • I love your fluff. I know I can always count on your stories to give me that warm, fuzzy feeling when I need it.
  • You are just too cool! I love your job, I love how you live your life, and I hope that some day I have a house full of animals, too. Your Protectobots are amazing, and you are amazing--thank you so much for being you!
  • Your posts always make me smile!
  • Your fics are so cute, and so well written, they always brighten my day.
  • I...actually do want to descend upon you with 1.21 gigawatts and take your solar system walk and meet the kitchen skunks and say hello to Smidge and pet Kettle and Toast and generally make a nuisance of myself, but will have to content myself with sending in the Pbots to make you squee as much as possible. And if that sounded vaguely lewdicrous...IT WAS MEANT TO! MUWAHAHAHA! <333
  • Possums and Protectobots, how I squee for thee!
  • I've been too shy to say it, but I absolutely adore your Protectobot stories. Scrolling through your journal and seeing all the cute never fails to cheer me up.
  • Happy warm fuzzies on tap! And wonderful animal stories.

  • I know your LJ's gone, and I don't know if you're even looking at this, but I just want you to know how happy your plushes make me. I couldn't love them more if they were alive (although, I'm pretty sure they are XD). <3

  • LEFT CHEEK LEFT CHEEK I mean, I love you, dear. ;)
  • You make me laugh like no one else! Thank you for being the light in the darkness!
  • *HUGS*
  • You’re such a wonderful person; thanks for all of your encouragement and the good that you do. You have a bigger effect than you’ll ever know *hugs*
  • Happy Valentine’s Day
  • You inspire me.  I adore you.

  • I LOVE your fic, "Growing Pains". Its sooo cuuuuttee!!!!!

  • We don't talk a lot, but I still think you are one rad dude. Your work is unique and absolutely gorgeous.
  • Your renders are amazing! And you pander shamelessly to us crazy fangirls. I like that in a person. ;)
  • You are one of the funniest people in this fandom, and I credit you with getting me to give tentacle porn another look!
  • If it were up to votes, i would nominate you for the next Jesus Prime XD

  • Your stories and your efforts to show support for mine, always brighten my day. ^_^
  • Your PJ fics are amazing!!!!

  • I love your fic, "Its Now or Never" =D

  • I love your attention to the little details. A little "yay!" goes in my head every time I see a new Puggle, TF or not. :3

  • Without you, I wouldn't have met some of the best people in my life. Your positive outlook makes me smile. Don't ever change. <3
  • I wish we lived in closer proximity. XD I really want to hang out with you and squee shamelessly over Jazz.
  • You make me smile and I wish I knew you better.
  • despite whatever rough spots or edges we might go through, I want you to know that knowing you and being able to share things with you has been wonderful, you're a great writer and I hope someday you can regain what a bad place and bad people took from you. I'm always here for you, should you need me.
  • Your stories are often full of cuteness - and welcome at the end of a cruddy day

  • You've been a really fun person to get to know, that you for everything!

  • You rock pretty hard, & I don’t think I say that enough. *hugz*
  • You make my millennium. <3
  • You are amazing and talented and don’t give yourself nearly enough credit. I love everything you do in this fandom and you’re a great friend to have around for a good laugh. Much love!
  • ♪The hand that breaks my fall, when my back's against the wall♫ That's been truer for you than any other person I can think of. You've helped me escape during the worst times, you've kept me sane when I had to stay, your support has been unfailing and so very very much needed. I am so happy we found each other across the interwebz. ^.^ Thank you, hun, for plotting and playing, for giving me objective opinions when I asked, being a willing ear when I needed to vent, a shoulder to cry on when I needed it most, and most of all, for being my friend. Much love always, from me and the big grump, to you and your Will. *snugsquish* ♥♥♥
  • You have always been there, and there and there and there, and i would never have you anywhere else. don't leave.

  • I miss you terribly and hope things will finally start improving for you so we can get together more
  • Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with us TF fangirls. I hope that things will be looking up and the road much smoother for you in the future. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Happy valentine’s day. Happy Valentine’s Day. HAPPY VALENTINE”S DAY! Your scarves are so lovely.
  • Miss you! You’re my most favorite failboat in the whole world *hugs*
  • I am sure you hear this all the time but here it is again: Your Transformers themed scarves are amazing. It is wonderful that you share your talent with others. Happy Valentine’s Day

  • You are one of the most genuinely sweet people I have ever known. I love you dearly, and hope that you receive all the happiness you deserve, becauseyou deserve tons!
  • Still my favoritest moogle. <3
  • You're one of the nicest people around, and I love your fic and art.
  • You're a wonderful person, and I'm happy to know you. I hope your life is equally wonderful, because you deserve it. ♥
  • Happy Valentine’s Day
  • I love how your mind works - rock on! <3
  • Everything you write makes me smile.

  • I don't even know ravynfyre  but her every comment explodes with awesome! I wish I weren't too shy to get to know her.
  • I still don't know you as well as I'd like but I consider you a dear friend. (And I can't say any more or you'll know who I am for sure!) Stay wise and awesome.
  • I know I tend not to say much on your LJ, but know that you're always in my thoughts. You're strong, and I know you can get through this bad patch. *big hugs*
  • *snuggles tight* Love, admire, and adore you. You've got a moogle on your side whenever you want one.
  • You are one of the most awesome people I know.

  • I wish I had your ability to interweave epic plot with epic character development - I can only ever manage one at a time (and neither one of them epic)
  • The smut in your fanfics have ruined me for any others, it's just so good. And the plot woven throughout is compelling and amazing. I drop everythingwhenever you update.
  • Skycrosswarp and Thundercracker from the beginning, with a heaping side portion of politics. Five Million Years is now my head canon.

  • You have an excellent grasp on characterization and storytelling, and are also just a great person. Your Ironhide is my One True Ironhide.

  • Your excited comments and occasional threats for the cliffhangers I write, always make my day, you encourage me to keep writing. Thank you :)
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to you. You have a talent for one shots and longer stories that just draws us in. I am glad you share this fandom.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day. You have a talent for Jazz and Prowl. Want to read more Need to read more!
  • I LOVE your PJ fics!!!!

  • You're quiet and a bit mysterious, but I love your writing and humor.

  • You simply ROCK for taking on TransFictions and working so hard to bring it back.

  • Suppose I never, ever met you?
  • Your art is wonderful, and you're always very sweet to your friends. LOVE. <3 
  • Love your art and crafts!
  • Your art style is wonderful, I love seeing what you come up with :D

  • *glomps* I’m totally ‘shipping us, just for today! ?
  • You explode with awesomeness like Wheeljack with... explosives. I don't know where that was going. ILU.
  • You are darling, and do not know what we would all do without your special brand of crack. I wish we could all kidnap and time share you, but that might be, I dunno, illegal or something.
  • You singlehandedly brought IM all-nighters back into my life with our new little ‘verse and I love/hate you for it. But who am I kidding? It’s all love. Sooo much love <33
  • Your random texts bitching, moaning, whining, complaining about school, friends, family, life in general, teachers and courses in particular, babysitting, fandom fail, life fail---are always done so humorously, they give me a giggle every time. Your other texts are always sending me lots and lots of dino love (Rawr! :3). You are the bright point in my day, bb. Never change, I love you too. ^.^ *hugskish* ♥
  • Chatting and RPing with you is so much fun. Much love!

  • If you need someone to help you hide the bodies, find me. haha.
  • I admire your sense of style and your determination. Keep on truckin'!
  • Your jewelry is gorgeous. The only thing that stops me from ordering anything from you is my complete inability to decide on which character to request.xD

  • Miss you. Happy Valentines Day.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day. I have missed your writing. None of us can write Ratchet & The Twins as well as you. You also have a great Prowl & Jazz and an enjoyable Wheeljack & Blue also.


  • YOU ARE AMAZING HRGH. Never change. <3
  • I always perk with something from you - be it a comment, a journla entry, a fic, anything.

  • You inspire me both with your fiction and with the intentionality and care with which you live your life. I'm so happy to call you my friend. xoxoxo
  • I kick the cat off my lap to read your fics; they require concentration! And the savoring of every subtle nuance. You are fabulous! <3
  • Your stories are well written, and your RL entries show just how creative you truly are

  • Once again I need to thank you for giving us The Nine Rings of Vos series. I hope that life is treating you well. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Even when you've hit a rough patch somewhere, you manage to churn out some of the most intricate plotlines I've ever read. You're fantastic, and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!
  • Happy Valentine's Day

  • You inspire me like no one else. Thank you.

  • Is a sweetie! <3
  • We don't talk often, but I'm always thrilled when we have the time :) You're fun and sweet and crazy talented.

  • I'm glad we're buddies, even if we don't talk much. You seem very fun.
  • Thankyou for being so kind and friendly, and such a great mod :D Also, I love reading your rp threads :)

  • Miss you love, miss your ideas and our talks.
  • Where did you go?  I miss you.

  • UNF UNF UNF! LOL. Thank you for being my evil right hand, logical mind, and all around creative genius.
  • I adore your artwork and love the thought you put into each piece.
  • Your art is fantastic, but I wish you'd write more fic, because I adore your attention to detail.
  • Your work is hot and fabulous and thoughtful and inspiring! <3

  • Your sense of humour is epic :D

  • I wish you could see for yourself just how awesome your art is, because you have some incredible skills. Your poses and scenes are never stale, and you have a fabulous grasp of physics and "anatomy".

  • You are one of my 'trine' mates, my sister. I'd list you both but I think the other would probably rather remain out of the public eye, but she knows who she is. (I love you too bebe).  I adore you, both of you, so very much! You both mean so much to me. You've been there for me when no one else was, and I can never thank you enough, but I'll sure try anyway.  Thank you, so much, from the bottom of my heart.

  • I love your username!

  • You always leave such wonderful comments. <3

  • Wherever you are, I miss you and hope you are doing well. You have my thoughts and my love.
  • I miss you. I wonder where are you every day and if you're alright. I hope you are, and that someday I can talk to you again. You're always on my thoughtsand my prayers, love you, big sis.
  • I still owe you dinner.  And I want you to collect on it.

  • <3

  • Never stop rockin', Lambo! <3

  • Thank you for being the first person on livejournal to friend me :D. Happy Valentines Day!

  • *hugz!* You’re too awesome for words!
  • You are a delight, a fantastic source of geekery, and so much fun to be around. Don’t change, ever.
  • This Xmas was the best thing in life, evar, and you were a huge part of that, hun. Your art is certifiable (certifiably what? is the eternal question and probably the answer to life and the mystery of the universe, too XD). They make me cackle like mad every time I look at them. >33 Come see me again soon, and we'll go hit that wine bar. ^.^ *luffs & snugs* ♥
  • For you, there has been a new level of brofist devised specifically from my affection alone.

  • Your art is brilliant, you have a wonderful turn of phrase in your fic and your journal posts, and your feedback always brightens my day.

  • Is all-around cool! And she has an awesome hat. I want that hat.
  • I wish I could make adorable artworks like yours! ^-^
  • Welcome to bw_100! Muahahaha! *lightningflash* Ahem. Your art makes me giggle unhealthily. ;)
  • Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me, so throw me down and tie me up and show me that you like me ;D BE MY VALENTINE BB (ps the safe word is "harder")
  • You're hilarious, and a really talented artist. Your Cyclonus/Ultra Magnus comics are totally classic. I can't wait to see what art/fic you come up with next.
  • You're so sweet and generous and have such a great sense of humor. Thanks for making my day so often.
  • I love your attitude with everything fandom. Never change~
  • You're delightful to talk to and perv with and give really awesome comments. And draw really cute pictures
  • Adorable, pitch perfect art and creator of hooker! Optimus!

  • Your artistic talents are incredible; I love your work and look forward to every update.
  • You are my all time favourite TF artist. There's just something about the way you do faces that makes them seem so alive on the page.
  • If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be in this fandom.  Thank you for luring me in.
  • I haven't known you long, but i think we might have met in a past life, because i feel like we grew up together...

  • Stay sweet.
  • You're such a fun and insightful person. Don't ever change. :)

  • Study hard, cook hard, then come back and draw more Beasties!
  • Take good care of yourself, and remember to roll with the bad times and have as much fun as you can during the good times.

  • The little story pieces you post are delightful.

  • You draw wonderful pics of Red and Inferno. I always look forward to seeing your art!
  • Your Red Alert/Inferno pictures are just adorable!

  • There is not enough love in the world for you and for your creations.
  • I am ridiculously happy I got a chance to know you. You have an ability to tell engaging stories AND draw beautifully, try and use your powers for evil if you can. <3333
  • I love the way you get into characters' heads. You have a gift for exposition: it never feels like you're skipping something important, and it never feels like a lecture on the 'background' before we get to the real story. Things just come up because a character's attention is drawn to them.
  • You're such a talented writer, but I really appreciate how sincere you are. You also leave such amazing comments. I always look forward to comments from you.
  • I'm so glad you're in fandom! Your awesome contributions always make me eager for more from you.
  • No one does dark and creepy quite like you, bb.
  • Your writing is stunning, and I love your insights into character motivations in fics and discussion :)

  • Darling, how are you so wonderful? There is no one I would rather have as my twin <33333 ilu w/shockwave butt.
  • If I were Soundwave, my tentacles would be reserved for you.
  • You're funny and smart, and you leave awesomely supportive comments. You just seem like a really cool person.
  • Some of my very favourite, and most read, fics in the fandom!

  • I adore everything about you, am your fangirl, and have a crush on your as tall as Borealis just cause you are you (don't get scared, I'm pretty effusive in my crushes). Borealis is an amazing gift to this fandom, and so are you. You write my very favorite Autobots EVUR. Long live polyamorous giant alien robots!!!! xoxoxo
  • You are a awesome person and I enjoy your current fanfic project so very much. Looking forward to reading more of it.
  • Thank you for your beautiful fics, and for pointing learning writers to helpful tips and such. You are a gem.
  • For writing a fic of such epic proportions that I copy-pasted and formatted it chapter by chapter in entirety for the express purpose of putting it on my Kindle.
  • You’re proof the internet was a very good idea, because nothing else could contain this much awesomeness! <3
  • Borealis is easily one of my favorite stories. Your writing is incredible.
  • The most amazing, epic, enormous happy poly fic ever!
  • I want to live in your head.  It's such a fascinating place to be!

  • You are an amazing writer and a lovely person, I have always looked forward to your stories and grateful that through them we have come to know each other better, may it long continue. :)
  • Your fics, "Story of a Lifetime" and "Echoes" are really amazing! :)

  • Thanks for being a great place to play in.

The crew of thecybertronian  and tf_rare_pairing : Thank you.

thecybertronian  - to all the editors, thankyou :)

  • It makes me happy to know the world has you in it. I’d like to kidnap your brain and make it write for me forever, but I won’t, because you might want to do other stuff sometimes.
  • I love your writing and I love hearing from you, thank you for all your comments over the years.
  • You are amazingly brilliant and I love your incredibly thoughtful and insightful characterizations! You're already strong enough to find your own way, a way that will make you happy. <333

  • There are too many things! Your art, your stories, your recent photo comics. But most of all, you are an AWESOME person. <3
  • What can I say? You are, and have always been, my favorite fan-artist and author. Your art is beautiful, distinctive, and a very obvious labor of love; your characterizations are dead-on, and your writing makes me laugh, cry, and fall in love with these crazy giant alien robots over and over again. <3
  • I still go back to read The Lost, and still hope for the final chapter.

  • *throws anonymity in teh shitter* Toy Dolls? bwahahahha. Stay warm!

  • Your posts and writings always make the world a shinier, more interesting place

  • I'm far too envious of the fact that you get to live in Hawaii right now XD. Hopefully, one day you'll get to come back here and we can watch more LAWL!Bubbles!. Hehe, love you!

  • I don't know how you can keep smiling through it all sometimes. You rock! ^_^ <3
  • I adore your art :D Hope you have an awesome day! 
  • Your talents are boundless, and I love the thought you put into your fics and art, it really pays off.
  • I still squee and have gleefits, every time I get the chance to use the icon you made me. ^.^ Happy Valentine's Day, hun! *hugs*

  • You are bright, creative and considerate, and I am pleased to call you my friend. <3
  • Your stories are just too amazing

  • Thankyou for helping get me into rp, and for being such a cool and awesome person to know :D

  • I miss you, dear friend.

  • I wanna have sex with you! :P

  • Your fanfics are always awesome. Keep up the good work!
  • You are the most amazing girl I ever had pleasure to meet. While we are so different you complete me in best possible way ;)
  • Your Vortex is even better than canon and as far as I'm concerned, the best Vortex in fandom. Have more confidence!
  • You are such a wonderful writer. I even can't tell you how much I love your stories! <3
  • You're quiet, but very kind. Your friendship means a lot to me. And your fic is great, but everyone knows that.
  • You're just a great person (and Vortex is awesome)
  • Hell, you’re awesome! XD Simple as that. Both your writing and kickass craft-skills. Have an great day :D
  • *glomps* You’re a very awesome person, and you rock! I’m glad to know you, and you’re more than a fandom friend to me. I hope to meet you someday.
  • You’re the best - you’re a brilliant writer and your enthusiasm is wholly inspiring and I’ve never felt anything but completely encouraged. And you laugh atmy humour and put up with my rantings late at night. What more could I ask for ?? I’m just glad you came into my life <3
  • You're an excellent writer and RPer and a great friend.
  • I love your enthusiasm, your talented writing, and the discussions about writing that are wonderful food for thought.
  • Thank you for being a wonderful friend. You’re so nice and supportive and I enjoy our discussions very much.
  • So talented! I love all your work!
  • Organiser of so many awesome communities! And writes amazing fic.

  • Your fics... they are awesome

  • Happy Valentine's Day

  • You are strong and tenacious and do your best not to allow your circumstances to get you down. Things will look up for you soon and I know that your future will be bright. Lots of love to you.
  • I know I'm a shit friend most of the time and that of all the people you talk to, I'm one of the most boring and least entertaining, but I still can't put into words what it means to me that you still stick with me
  • you're always so thoughtful and kind to me, I admire you and your wonderful talents and will always love you lots.<3
  • You're so talented! I love your depiction of Prowl/Jazz and I'm always dying for more XD
  • I hope life lets up on you a bit - I hate seeing you so stressed and unhappy. Also, I miss your creative talent, but it's secondary to missing you. *hugs*
  • You go through so much, but continue on despite it all, and as such are such an inspiration. I never thanked you for caring for our mutual friend when she needed help. I wish I could have been there to help you both, but forever - thank you.
  • Still fandom buddies. I know I left PJ in good hands. *hearts*
  • I admire your fortitude. Even when life is giving you hell, you never let it drag you down.
  • I love your art.
  • I adore everything you do.  And I know I need to tell you this more often.  Actually, I just need to speak to you more often.
  • I love your artwork, no matter the -verse or character

  • Your stories are amazing and you should never stop writing. Even if the pause is for a hundred years I still think you should keep trying. You're an amazing person and I hope we can remain friends for a long time.

  • To my drinking buddy, a toast. and here, have some scary drunk sea-captain mace, just in case.
  • Your stories are awesome.  I often find myself going back and rereading them.
  • You underestimate yourself

  • Fruitcake, i wubs ya!
  • Sorry about your car and I hope that old lady gets her what-for. If you need a ride anywhere I'll be more than happy to pick you up!

  • I'm really glad I met you :3
  • Thank you for all the fun times this year. I hope this year will bring you equally great times.
  • You are beautiful and I love you. I know it doesn't seem like it, but it won't rain all the time and things will get better.
  • You're a great friend and I hope your RL stuff straightens out. You deserve an amazing life! And I love chatting about fic with you!
  • You bring so much joy to what you do. It adds to your stories in a very positive way!
  • I really love your PJ fics. Your are a really great writer!
  • 2 more years! Can't wait to see you. In the meantime, I really do enjoy talking to you about all the Wiccan/Celtic stuff... as well as all the random gropeage. Lots of love!
  • In these last few months since we've met you've become one of the special people in my life. You're a more beautiful and wonderful person that you allow yourself to believe, and I hope some day you can see that, too. You're a great writer and a wonderful friend, and I can't wait to meet you in person. I'm here for you.
  • Thank you so much for setting up and modding a community where I met so many wonderful people. You're so lovely, I really hope this year brings you wonderful things.

  • Thank you for being a listener. I'm fortunate to have met you.

  • I probably owe you an email as we speak. You're so talented it's crazy and such a sweet and great person IRL. I wish you always, always the best of luck and happiness!
  • You are quite simply; amazing. Love you loads <3
  • You! You amazingly sweet awesome person you XD I adore you! Make sure to have a great day x3
  • Haven’t known you long but it’s been fantastic so far. May there be many more years of friendship and RPing <3
  • Your enthusiasm is glorious, and I'm in awe of how knowledgeable you are :)

  • Adorable.  I want more of your stories (particularly A Study of Twins), but I fear we're losing you to another fandom.  Don't leave us!

  • You OOOOOZE coolness. Which is not as gross as it sounds I promise.
  • You can measure my love for you by how many Shimeji i have on my desktop at one time 8D

yellow_ideya /talks2stoplight 
  • If it wasn't for you, I would never have come to remember just how much I loved these giant robots. I'm eternally grateful for the knowledge you've imparted on me.
  • For hands-down the best rp-Ratchet...and just...for everything! ~<3

  • Have really enjoyed your writing, and your lovely comments. Hope to see more of you on LJ!

  • Is my gleespiration! <3<3<3
  • You’re too good for this world. *hugs tightly*
  • zomg is right! You’re more fun than a box of dragons :D (and that’s a LOT of fun, trust me) .
  • Your art always makes me smile :)
  • I'm sorry our rp ended the way it did (totally my fault).  I wish I could rp with you again, it was fun!

Happy Valentines Day to you all.  Whether you celebrate it or not, know that there is someone out there who is thinking of you today.  ME.

((And wow guys, first year I've had to split this into two posts.  Thank you.))
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