Mar 14, 2007 09:18
I bet an army of 300 worms could crush the fellas from that movie. Shit, I probably could do it myself.
Feb 22, 2007 19:02
So when is it going to be Worm History Month? What did black people do to deserve a month? I mean hello, we're about to have an uprising and enslave everyone. That is power. All we ask for is a damn month!
You know, just until we make every month Worm History Month soon...
Feb 12, 2007 09:37
Those damn crickets crammed into the duplex across the street are always keeping me up at night with their fucking chirping and tequila parties. Go back where you came from, you bastards!
Feb 05, 2007 23:47
Note to self:
When the worm uprising begins, Boston is the best place to start.
Jan 13, 2007 04:36
*worm yawn*
You people are boring.
Jan 01, 2007 11:39
...and thus begins The Year of The Worm...
Dec 28, 2006 23:00
So did you guys have a w3rmy little Xmas?
Dec 15, 2006 16:05
Just got back from a vacation to your human mother's house. She knows how to treat a worm.
Nov 30, 2006 01:01
Man, fuck the Wii. You need arms to play it.