Rules first: if you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question. second: tag eight sexy people. don't refuse to do that like a pansy. unless you really don't want to of course. and if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do!
You're used to being overshadowed, but have learnt to stand up for yourself. You're brave & throw yourself into life & relationships at the risk of getting hurt. You always seek advice when needed.
For those of you who may not know, one of my favorite bands since childhood has been Ace of Base. You also may or may not know that Ace of Base is from Sweden. They sparked my interest and fascination with all things Scandinavia. Every trip to Epcot at Disney World since 2000 has featured photos of myself and various cast members from the Norwegian
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I’m writing this at 12:15 pm EST. I know it probably won’t be posted until closer to 4:00, but I just had to get it out now while I’m thinking about it. There’s roughly four hours and 45 minutes until the Series 4 finale of Skins begins. I have SUCH a wide variety of emotions swirling around in my head about this episode
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So, I saw Muse in concert for the first time this past Saturday. I've loved Muse since I first heard them back in 2004. However, I've always had one of those "wrong place/wrong time" situations when it came to their shows
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