Sam had yet to realize the disaster that the island had forced on most people here. He'd spend most of Saturday by himself and was up early today for a run and then to study outside of the clinic. Dr. Magnus had given him a list of books to read and some work to do for prepping to become a doctor. Sam knew that he had a long, long road ahead of
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After the horrors which had taken place the previous day, secrets upon secrets spilling from her lips and those of others, she had resolved to get through the ordeal without letting a single additional grain of rice tip the scale. She was feeling pretty bad about the way things progressed, and found it difficult to keep her chin up, but life had to progress as usual, and she had plenty of classes and even a desk job with the IPD to keep her busy. That morning, she was just stepping out to enjoy a mug of coffee away from the potentially dangerous and triggering crowd at the Compound, when she spotted Sam Witwicky and decided, of all people, he was probably safe to hang around.
When he asked for a pen, without looking up to see who it was, she bit back a laugh, but held out one of the many pens she always kept on her, just in case, and tapped the end of his nose with the tip.
"You are an angel," Sam said, smiling up at Claire as the pen tapped him on the nose.
"And not just because you're gorgeous. Which, you are. You're still one of the best looking people on the island, I don't care what you told me when we first met. And a change of topic would be pretty nice right now," Sam said. Saying stuff he really hadn't meant to was fairly normal for Sam.
Deciding that he was probably worth breaking silence for, Claire cleared her throat.
"So, it looks like you've also been totally bombed by the truth bug going around. I've been, too, which is why I was totally trying to hold my tongue today, but you deserve to be told what's going on. And warned. Just in case, you know, your girlfriend wouldn't be happy to hear what you just said to me," Claire said with a grin, chin raising slightly. "And I guess to keep the ground even, you're totally cute too. Like. Definitely would date if he was single levels of cute."
"Alright, that's more than fair. And I'm insanely flattered. Like, I would swoon if I were a Southern Belle levels of flattered. I think Cassie would be okay though, because then I could tell her that I'm more crazy about her than anyone else and she knows the truth. Maybe I should go find her and do that."
"Well, you'd have to prove it too, just remember that," Claire pointed out. "It's easy for you to give compliments, but if you want her to believe that it's the total truth, you'll probably have to give up a few embarrassing confessions as well."
"I mean, she's already seen my movie, which was pretty embarrassing. Did you know I have a movie? I have a movie."
But she blinked at his next statement.
"Waaaait," she drawled, arching a brow. "You have a movie? Dude. You have a movie. How cool is that? Unless, going off of 'embarrassing,' it's a really crappy movie. But it can't be that crappy, because you're pretty awesome."
"And it was like a summer action flick. I guess it was based of an 80's cartoon? Transformers? Except it was, you know, based off my life."
Her eyes narrowed slightly. "But wait, so... there was a movie? Maybe it's like, a biographical film that you did later on? I don't know."
"The person playing me, I mean, that is me, I mean... me, in the movie, I look just like this. It's not an actor playing me, it's me."
She sighed.
"Well... that definitely happens for a lot of people on the island. I mean, look at all of the people from Harry Potter, for example. Or, or even Aragorn, from Lord of the Rings?" Claire brushed her hair nervously. "Sometimes I think that the only thing all of us have in common might be that somewhere, in some alternate universe, we're all fictional."
"I mean, maybe the ideas for fiction are just a crazy huge collective conscience we all share that we get information bleed from," he said with a shrug.
She wove her fingers through her hair, shaking the curls out. "I admit, I don't know what to think if that's the case, though."
Sam would probably think more about it later, but there was no need to burden anyone else with his crazy theories, especially Claire.
"How about," she suggested, searching her mind for anything else to serve as a distraction. "How about you just tell me about some of the things that you've learned about lately at the clinic. I really suck at biology, but I still think it's one of the most interesting subjects ever."
"Pretty much just an advanced version of that 'leg bone is connected to the hip bone' song."
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