Still failing at keeping track of things. Post listing for May goes here.
Skateboard rink. Offers to bring Violet cabin junk. The First Conversation After with Toph.
Santa Light. Gets Christmas explained. Visits Simon's office.
Chicken thread. Retardation with Brock + age retardation. Talks to Rosalyn. Traumzatizes Yuu with hawk form.
Shinji finally comes in.
Anita has old books. Acquires porn for Ulki.
Sleepover. Is the snack boy. Is pissed off by Greed. Meets Shigure. Rabi grows apples. Rhode-talk with Ticky. Ishida from the window.
Hulking moves. Helps carry stuff. The wonders of rubber bands.
Trapped in a birdcage. Princesses to the rescue. Rhode and Toph point and laugh. Bargain with Emilio. Broken ribs. Doctor Tam helps out. Scientology with Brock. Euphie gets him clothes.
Mistletoe. Page 1- Rabi musses hair. Yuu seduction, sort of. D: Page 3- Rosie, Taikoubou. Sweet moment with Claire. Collecting mistletoe with Dio. Peck and hair talk with Anita. Warning from Hulking. Page 4- Runs into Ishida. Treed by Crowley.
Mistletoe continued. Pick-ups. Topped by crow princess. Makes out with Rosalyn. Euphie has mistletoe in her hair. Kisses Toph, why gods why. Kisses Radu and Dietrich. Meets Megan.
Messhall blackout. Meets Sanji and Chidori.
Eclipse. Knitting history with Seth. The sun burns wood, Rabi, really. Rosalyn died?! Meets Kurt, Yzak, Kodachi, Watari (properly), Balthier, Bulma, Ari, Wiccan, Francescu, Madarame, Inara, Oscar, Byakko, Hellboy, Natsuo, Wes, Lee. Jesus. ._.
Meets Desire.
Rape blooms. Sneezes a wormie, a duckie and... a weapon? Discovers handcuffs. Froggy= wormie? The sight and smell of rape.
Austin dances. Wings are better! Is civil to Toph. Can't remember Sokka's name. Flies with Ying. Justice hug from Rosalyn. Finds out about Simon's leg.
Photo shoot.
Mothers. Yuu's mom. Anita's sisters.
Tiny Radu.
A picnic table. The difference between trucks, planes, and buses.
Meets Thor.
Face paint. Draws out Yuu's wangst. Catches up with Kazahaya.
Movie time. Steals Anita's popcorn. Ying talking-to.
Be a princess. Yuu as nestling. Tohru's age. A misunderstanding.
Rocky Road. Paints with Sokka. Is civil to Toph. Home talk with Rabi.
Wing recovery. Thanks Simon. Almost shot. Tiny Rady flying. Steals Ying's laptop. Pokemon battle. Preens Jr. Flying with Dio. Water on Mugen. Anita attacks. Still peeved at Rhode.
CDs. Carebears Sing Folk. Yuu's hair. Ash-as-a-bush. Dearka and Yzak discover bird-form.
Song lyrics. Duet with Brock. Philosophizes with Rabi. Rosalyn's misunderstanding.
Porn of Tohru. Yuu's role-model in a new light. Resemblance.
Punches. Gohan's face.
In my pants. Innuendo with Brock. Rabbit in my pants. Meets Adam.
Porn rain. Porn with Shinon. Radishes. Porn of Kazahaya. Akito's idea of "cute".
Cars gone wild. Bloo drives. Failure to get along. Kieran as an imaginary friend. Catches Rabi, gives him a lift to a nearby tree.
Bulma as a bunny. Recommends indoors.
Anita's sister. Congratulations are in order.
In a bush. Spies on Tohru and Yulie. Is a distraction for Yuu. Meets folks. Peony does a takedown. Fails at thinking things through.