Title: Pull Down The Fence
Characters: Russia/China. Mentions of Mao and Stalin.
Rating: PG-13 for implicit sex.
Summary: 1950 - In which there is champagne, a gift, and an uneasy alliance.
TCE is co-written by
wizzard890 and
His hand looked too large, gripping the back of China's elbow. )
Comments 133
; _ ;
i want to give Russia and America both good, hard punches in the face, just for good measure.
Wonderful and sad.
Love the detail, characterization (love China!), etc., etc., Y'all know the drill. ♥
*goes back to wibbling*
Not for TEN YEARS.
It would be beautiful.
I love your thoughts on Baby!Russia. Nervous, stuttering, crying all the time, would not let go of his security scarf. God, you guys. Just when I though I couldn't relate to russia anymore, you throw this at me. Poor little kid, though. Having to be like that on top of being attacked from all sides. All the time. No wonder Russia is the way that he is.
Great chapter~
Yeah, China is being kind of a dick, but you gotta remember that he's also being totally shanked. I mean, he had been gunning for possibly becoming a democracy, and now...Russia's sort of pulled the rug out from under him. He resents Russia for it, and I don't blame him.
I love your thoughts on Baby!Russia. Nervous, stuttering, crying all the time, would not let go of his security scarf...Just when I though I couldn't relate to russia anymore, you throw this at me.
I, for one, have spent way too much time trying to get a really solid grip on the kind of person Russia was when he was a child. Like, we're talking ridiculous amounts of headcanon, here. I think he was always very sweet, very tenderhearted, and a little emotional. Dealing with the Mongols really fractured that into nervousness, a lack of confidence, and a complete rejection of his own worth as a person.
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