Title: A Sky As Pure As Water
Characters: America. Brief appearences by Russia, France, England, and Germany.
Rating: PG
Summary: 1969 - The moon landing has been a long, long time coming.
TCE is co-written by
wizzard890 and
The first thing America ever saw was blue. )
Comments 74
I love how the flashbacks are worked in, of America's lifelong thing for the sky and space and just generally things that go up errr....that could be taken wrong. LOL.
There is something so lovely about getting to see him have this and that he got to share it with everyone important to him, even Russia, who called when it really really mattered. I think Russia gets good guy points here and so does America. Hell, good guy points for everyone! General squee all around! My inner American space geek is profoundly satisfied and now I kinda have this desire to go look at stars tonight XD
wait, homework, clouds....ok, but I'm going up to Mauna Kea this weekend, totally! Its in the books!
Pyrrhic described it really well: this chapter is a love story in and of itself. ♥
There is something so lovely about getting to see him have this and that he got to share it with everyone important to him, even Russia, who called when it really really mattered.
That's the thing. This is America's victory, and his dream and his love, but things like that are always better when you have people to share them with. And America does. (And I don't think Russia ever thought twice about calling, even if he didn't know what America's response would be. He knew how much this mission mattered to him.)
America is really kind of precious sometimes, isn't he?
This chapter was amazing. I think...you really hit the nail on the head, with this one.
America is really kind of precious sometimes, isn't he?
I will mantain to my dying day that America in love is one of the most precious things ever.
This chapter was so lovely you guys , that little conversation between him and Russia and hehe I couldn't help but ..think the parallels of America TRUE LOVE for the sky as England's for the sea XP
I couldn't help but ..think the parallels of America TRUE LOVE for the sky as England's for the sea XP
Oh gosh, me too! I find those sort of, gosh, primal elemental sympathies of their really compelling.
Thank you so much! You girls are fantastic.
Let's go together someday, okay? eee <3
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