Title: En Prise
Characters: Russia/America
Rating: R, for sex.
Summary: 1972 - Fischer seals his lead against Soviet player Spassky in the Match of the Century, and Russia gives America an impromptu chess lesson.
TCE is co-written by
wizzard890 and
The horses. )
Comments 108
Even several hours after reading, I can't come up with anything to say that hasn't already been said (AKA: ....nnnghk breathplay, angry fun sex, yesplz). The boys are at their best and sexiest here.
In lieu of coherency, here, have a quick fail sketch of my favorite chapter moment:
( ... )
I giggled with Russia being so frustrated about his defeat. He's still very childish at the bottom, isn't he?
And the sex...Oh dear God, you're like a good wine, time makes you better and better, I was mentally screaming "FUCK YEAH", "YES BABY YES" and "HNNNNGGGGGHHH"(wash it, rinse it and repeat) while reading.
Also, it reminded me something my boyfriend ws told by his English teacher, somethind like "the best way of learning languagues is in bed." Guess the same applies for chess or whatsoever.
Thanks again for a new chapter, ILU guys <3 /goes back to Kanji
Besides, now I have TWO new kinks for the price of one...
The TCE Bargain Bin! =D
I giggled with Russia being so frustrated about his defeat. He's still very childish at the bottom, isn't he?
Man, I don't think it was childishness so much as it was genuine frustration! Fischer was nuts, and the Russians were confident that Spasskey had this in the bag. It was kind of a ghastly upset.
Also, it reminded me something my boyfriend ws told by his English teacher, somethind like "the best way of learning languagues is in bed."
Sound advice, but...I'd keep an eye on that teacher. XD
<3 everything.
guh. laughed, squee'd, wiggled uncomfortably in my computer chair.
Also that was a cunning bit of titling there! Although I confess I did not get it for myself :(
Also that was a cunning bit of titling there!
I, uh. Like puns. >_>
I, uh. Like puns. >_>
Puns are awesome. Obscure puns even more, if only for the time that someone actually gets the joke :P
*coherency, outta window*
Russia at the beginning <3
(I hope we see him go spazztic about the recent Winter Games too. I mean, even Putin intervenedXD)
And the king licking...fuck. And drool. Lots of drool.
I may have to go against everyone else and say that my favourite thing was in fact America laughing at what Russia was doing at the end, when he held orgasm off. I screamed irl (all the while laughing, but well, I'm not painfully-hard!America) "That bastard, lol", but the fact America laughed so hard and with real hilarity pointed to an intimacy and intense affection and comfortability between them that made me go d'awww (possibly at the worst moment, as it was the climax, but oh, well, you play with my emotionsXD ( ... )
We don't actually have any Olympics shenanigans planned for them, which is a bit strange when I think of it, but whatever. It's been covered in other fics.
the fact America laughed so hard and with real hilarity pointed to an intimacy and intense affection and comfortability between them that made me go d'awww (possibly at the worst moment, as it was the climax, but oh, well, you play with my emotionsXD).
That was how we were hoping people would feel! =D Hey, "D'awww" and "hot" aren't incompatible!
when I realsied they were making out against missile silos and I went PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
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