Work work! Uff. Many hours of work. Like...nonstop for the past four days. Gross. But money=a good thing. I am SO tired. Goodness. I'll post more later. Goodnight.
At posting to this thing. Even weekly. Oh well, I'm a busy cat I can't be expected to post here all the time. I'd rather spend my time with her
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I find myself taking pleasure in the little things in life, as the macrocosm blows cosmic chunks. Lawyers, and money, and things with Vannessa, piled with school, finals, and last week of classes=clusterfuck of FML
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More drama with Vannessa. She's rather over dramatic but I can never tell when she's being serious anymore. She speaks in absolutes all the time, but has yet to follow through on one of them. Which is good because that means I get to see Emery, but at the same time, why is it necessary to use them in the first place? I don't get it, but then
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Wow. Dr. Nelson. The reason I came to St. Cloud State and was okay with it. Is leaving. He's going to teach at wartburg college. Honestly I'm happy for him and his family. It will be better by far for them. But I am very sad to see him go. He will be missed. Bah. Weird conversations with people recently. Not really sure what to think
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Tour. Was. Incredible. Avenue Q was amazing, and hotel mischief and mayhem/breaking beds/nasty smells/homestays fill my memories, and I haven't laughed that much in years and years and years. It was wonderful. I should've kept a journal of it if I wasn't so busy throughout it. Ah well. I have my memory and it was GOOOOOD
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is good. Really good. I bought a thing of mashed potatoes a few days ago. It was meant to be family size. A pound and a half of food. Welcome to breakfast lunch and delicious cheese topped dinner
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