I just now decided that this year for my birthday I'm going to celebrate by playing Halo: Reach all day. It's really the only appropriate thing to do, considering the one-year anniversary of its launch and my birthday are the same day
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The black ink I ordered arrived today so of course I immediately made use of my printer. It worked surprisingly well for having not been used in quite a few months, but whatever. That my printer is a finicky bitch is not news to me.
I have to do a prose performance for TAI 170. Problem is, I can't decide what I want to perform. I've made a few selections from the few books I have on hand that I can actually use, so I'm going to post what I'm considering and see what you guys think.
Yep, getting back to this finally. I went back to my answers for this and changed some and also decided I'm going to post multiple answers because I don't fucking care and I can't pick just one for some of these.