Apr 30, 2010 10:50
Does anybody even use livejournal any more, with all the blogs and stuff out there? I'm trying to see the attraction and, well, kind of failing...
Dec 02, 2006 22:19
Yes indeed. This week I worked only 52 hours, which is pretty much - give or take the week with Thanksgiving - the shortest week in the last 3 months.
Go me.
Jun 08, 2006 11:33
So why is it that some bosses, rather than looking to investigate what has happened in a particular situation, their first reaction is to seek who to blame?
Seems like a bizarre way to motivate your team.
Aug 10, 2005 20:29
It should be exciting, but after all this time it just seems like more stress. I suspect once it's done, presuming I "pass", it'll all become terrifyingly real. In the meantime, it's all just vapourware.
Jul 31, 2005 00:22
Ironic that I have to tell you that here, isn't it?
Well ok, I might choose to in the future. I haven't entirely decided yet. I suspect I'll post the odd bit of crap here to amuse or bemuse.