Don't expect anything fantastic here . . . not that you ever did, because this is not the place on the internet to go for fantasticality. For that, I recommend that delightful and never played-out goatse site, or your choice of strange fetish porn.
I will say one thing: SOCK IT TO 'EM. (I will not explain what it means.)
ok there is this girl named KRisten but she is called Kris for short ok and she says that I SUCK PENIS! i don'tg et this i don't suck penis at all but she keeps saying it and it is ANNOYING! plus i have these tingly feelings in my pants for her and she just SHOOTS ME DOWN
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Idealism is a hot-button topic in my little world lately, so I could churn out a lot of words here about it, but I won't, because nobody will read that. I'll say these few words instead
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