Title: (It's Not) Jealousy Pairings/Characters: Abigail, Delia, implied Mary/Marshall Rating: G Summary: Abigail wasn't jealous. She was concerned. Spoilers: For the finale, I guess. ( it’s not jealousy, she recited inside her mind )
Title: PDA Pairings/Characters: Mary/Marshall, established relationship Rating: G Summary: Mary Shannon didn't like PDA. Spoilers: I wish. None. Author Notes: It's my first time ever writing a fanfic in English. Please, don't be too hard on me.
01 - 03 Animated icons from IPS promos 04 - 05 Animated icons from Fish Or Cut Betta 06 - 31 Icons from Fish Or Cut Betta 32 - 58 Icons from No Clemency For Old Men