like a sea of broken records the redundancy slams into me over and over again. One step forward, two steps back. Sometimes I feel like my mind is being unraveled very slowly, and the acupuncture needles accidentally hit the vein
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... The hardest part of this whole thing is deciding how I should feel. Regret is the first thing that comes into my mind, but then immediately something that contradicts that feeling will enter my mind. It's so bittersweet and even by saying that I feel like a prick. I also feel left behind so that prick feeling is justified to me.
the lineup for coachella is severely disappointing. like 85% of those bands (?) i've never heard of. I think there are like 2 or 3 things I'd check out each night. I'll probably eat my words in 6 months when half of the music on the lineup blows up but whatevs for now. Last years was basically my dream lineup minus jack suckhead
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