If anyone has a keygen or a serial number to Adobe Photosuit CS3- Pleaaaase tell me! I'm not registering it online, so it can be any number that will work!!
But Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, echoing European anguish over reports of secret CIA jails and alleged torture in Europe, said: "Our battle against Islamic terrorism will only succeed if we cultivate respect for human rights
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They are the top grossers of gas. They are the ones in the group known as OPEC that pretty much set the prices here in America. They are making billions a year (maybe trilions) And are trying to make more. Why? They don't need more money.
A white woman, about 51 years old, was seated next to a black man on an airplane. Obviously disturbed by this, she called the air hostess. "Madam, what is the matter?" the hostess asked
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"Religion... is the opium of the people. To abolish religion as the illusory happiness of the people is to demand their real happiness
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Why when I am hungry do I feel so bleh and can't think of anything to say? Is my mind just so preoccupied with wanting food that I can't think of anything else
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