Title: Clandestine
Rating: M/R (future violence and bit more cheekiness)
Status: Work in Progress
Pairing: 10/Rose
Spoilers: Parting of the Ways, ‘Independence’, ‘Harmonious’
Summery: Life has ups and downs, turns and straight roads and hindrances. Even with his life taking the turn that would make everything else seem so insignificant, one hindrance threatens the future that the TARDIS guided the two of them to. (10th Doctor/Rose) sequel to Harmonious.
Prolouge /
Chapter One /
Chapter Two /
Chapter ThreeChapter Four /
Chapter Five Author's Note: I finally have been able to make a stable ending for the story! So it's back! Don't worry I am still working on 'Confidential' as well. Note that the two Gallifreyans in this chapter are: Koschei (the master) and Zeta (
aelie_baby's original character). Also remember that the Ten in this story is my own Tormented!Ten and thus not very much like Canon Ten :)
For first time readers - this is the third part series with Tormented!Ten, a version of Ten I created before Christmas Invasion aired. You'll wan't to read
Independence and
Prelude to a Ball
“Pause for a moment and allow me to understand your request fully, Doctor. You want me to help your companion give birth to your child since she is having difficulty with the neural pathways between her and the baby. You want me to find a way to make a connection between the two - a middle ground - between our higher brain stamina and hers because she is human and thus a lesser species. And finally you want me to administer over her as she gives birth to your child?”
The Doctor nodded slowly as the Professor or Digamma Stigma as he knew her, summed up his requests. The Professor slowly paced around her quarters with her hands folded around her waist and her eyes looking at the ceiling in thought. He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and watched her steadily. This was his final resort and he hated admitting that he couldn’t fix it.
The Professor stopped and looked at him, her bright-blue eyes meeting his dark brown eyes. “This is so strange,” she said softly and he raised his eyebrows. “You - the Doctor - asking another Gallifreyan for aid, it is such a foreign concept to your character. You must cherish this woman to put your own arrogance aside.”
“I’m not arrogant.” He snapped and she raised her eyebrows with a smile.
“I do beg your pardon, my good Doctor.” She shook her head. “As I recall you and your friends in the Academy were quiet arrogant and rather beside the rules - I do mean Zeta and Koschei of course.” She stood her ground as he pushed himself up and stared down at her with a dark light lit in his eyes: a fire of hatred.
“Never speak of them like that.” He spoke slowly and coldly. “You have no right to mention them! Koschei is gone and Zeta…. Zeta died in the Time War, the one you did not participate in! Too proud to even defend your own home?”
The Professor’s eyes narrowed. “My home? Gallifrey has not been my home for many, many, years Doctor. Not since you made the move to expel me from Gallifrey and remove any contacts I may have with our Chapter.”
The Doctor sneered. “You deserved it. You still do! After the way you tried to use violence to change the minds of how our society had worked for centuries?! You were out of your mind; you are still out of your mind to think that you had done nothing wrong! Your exile from Gallifrey was supposed to teach you that!”
“You want to know what my exile taught me, Doctor?” She said icily. “It taught me that no one cares. That what one person thinks means nothing against a majority. That our race was too prideful to even accept change! Maybe it was their time to die in a great inferno to erase the Daleks from history!” she could see that something inside him snapped and whatever rationale he had before had just dissolved in that quick moment. She turned to leave but turned her attention back to him.
“This is not the best way for you to win my help.” The Professor said icily. “Maybe if you can throw your Gallifreyan pride aside at the title celebration of Princess Tamurill tonight I will help you. Otherwise you’ll have to find how to save your half-child on your own. Good day Doctor.” With that she turned and left the room quickly.
He stood for a long moment as he fought to regain his weak rationale. Normally he would not have snapped so easily at his home being insulted but with the scars of the Illness still lingering it was easy for him to be upset and snap into a primal fit of rage. He clenched his hands in his jean pockets and shut his eyes tightly as he went through the ritual claming motions from his home world and he was able to successfully calm himself by the time Darren and Rose returned.
“Found something for her to wear.” Darren said as he held a large bundle of clothes and Rose wore a large smile. “And also, found a little something for you Doc.”
The Doctor raised his eyebrows as Darren tossed him a large bag. He caught it and slowly opened it, pulling out the familiar brown jacket and pin-stripped suit. His eyes went straight to Rose and narrowed slightly. She knew exactly how he felt about the previous outfit after his endeavor on Hul-Zem III. She lowered her eyes and looked to the ground sadly as she fiddled with the zipper on her jacket, unable to meet his gaze.
“Oh get off it.” Darren grumbled. “There isn’t anything wrong with you wearing it for the party tonight, alright? For once can’t you do something for Rose? Instead of brooding on and on about what happened do you in the damn slave pits - get over it for one night and just pretend it never happened, for Rose’s sake! Honestly Doc she has a hard enough time worrying about her kid she shouldn’t have to worry about you!”
The Doctor looked at Rose but she refused to meet his gaze. He felt his hearts twist as he realized that he was adding more stress onto her pregnancy with his brooding - Darren was right. He quickly ran his fingers over the fabric before nodding and heading towards the bathroom to change. Darren shared a victory grin with Rose but she felt uneasy about the party. The Doctor had finally found one of his people that weren’t dead - meaning others could be alive. She felt jealous almost of the Professor, because she had so much more to share with the Doctor than she did. However Darren smiled and handed her the dress for her to change in.
The dress was like the native dresses, long and trailing with sleeves that touched down to the floor. However the colors were orange and scarlet, contrasting with the pale blues, silvers, and whites of the local dress. Still she found it pleasing and pulled her hair back into a bun so that it was out of her eyes. She looked at herself in the full length mirror before venturing outside of the bedroom. Darren looked her over and a grin formed on his face as he nodded in approval. Seconds later the Doctor left the bathroom and Rose felt her heart leap, seeing her Doctor dressed as he was supposed to dress.
The Doctor turned to look at Rose but stopped and his face fell. It wasn’t the dress that upset him, it was the colors. Those were the colors of his Chapter on Gallifrey. He knew that Rose didn’t know that and she most likely chose what the TARDIS offered her, because scarlet and orange really did suit her, but he still felt hurt by it. It felt as if his beloved TARDIS was rubbing his past and home into his face since they had been reunited with the Professor. But he straightened his posture and forced himself to smile. He strode to her and offered his arm which she took gladly.
“Where did you get the dress?” he asked as he escorted her to the large ballroom.
“The TARDIS.” She said. “It was right next to your suit in the wardrobe room, so I figured it would work. Is there something wrong with it?” she frowned.
“No!” he said fast, a little too fast. “It looks wonderful on you.” She knew that he was lying and that there was something wrong with it. She couldn’t figure out why - it hid her figure well enough.
He smiled again, but Rose could always see the hollowness of his smiles, and he opened the door. There were already a large amount of people in the room already, ambassadors included, as the royal family sat above them. The Doctor found the Professor automatically, sitting with the royal family speaking. He growled lightly but looked at Rose as she had been welcomed by one of the ambassadors. The two smiled and nodded as he escorted them into the ballroom.
The Professor came towards them with her hands extended towards Rose. Rose smiled and shook them as the Professor looked at the two. “So I finally am blessed to meet the woman that has caught the Doctor’s heart, splendid.” She looked at the Doctor with a smile and a twinkle in her eye. “I can see why he fell in love with you,” she stopped as the Keermatian ambassador hobbled over. The Doctor nodded and placed a kiss on Rose’s cheek before picking the furry ambassador up and walking away.
Free from the Doctor’s protective gaze, the Professor led Rose to a small sitting area. “Theta asked me to see him today.”
“Theta?” Rose asked.
“Forgive me - that was the Doctor’s name while he attended the Academy back on Gallifrey.” The Professor smiled. “Anyways, he asked me to come and speak with him today while you were out with your other companions.”
“Why?” Rose eyed her feeling the twinge of jealousy return.
“Because of your pregnancy.” The Professor stated simply. “He worries about you, my dear. He asked if I could guide and help you through your pregnancy and help you give birth to the child if need be. However I do need your consent before I do anything.”
Rose looked over at the Doctor as he talked with the ambassadors calmly. She watched how stiff he was when he moved, so different from how he moved when he first regenerated. She took a breath in and turned to the Professor. “Alright.” She said. If the Doctor thought she needed help then she must have needed it.
“Splendid.” The Professor smiled. “I hope you enjoy your evening. Don’t stray too far from the Doctor.” She put her hands together and bowed her head before turning and heading back towards the royal family.