Apparently, Japanese Cell Phones now come with a function that allows you to set up a SIMULATED (Aka: FAKE) Incomming call, along with timing of when it should happen.
I have NO IDEA WHY something like this is necessary in life, but ZOMG it makes me Happy and DIE of laughter XD
(For Reference:)
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Jan 03, 2010 14:59
We got up with our 5am wake up call and got in a cab to the airport. Both Jonathan and I were zonked from the previous evening's door episode, but we were able to make it through security and customs towards the gate with minimal confusion (though we did walk in the wrong direction a few times!) The flight was uneventful, save for the airline
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Jan 01, 2010 10:24
1.) Be Braver
-No more hiding behind my insecurities or being scared to come out and say something. I'm going to work at not being stronger or smarter, but at standing up for myself and pushing through the difficult things in life.
2.) Stop Expecting Too Much Out of Life-My Birthday wasn't a big hit. I should be dressed up and at a crazy party on
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Dec 24, 2009 10:02
Our last full day in Thailand :( Jonathan and I got a decent start out to Chinatown, but the traffic was pretty bad for the morning. Actually, we hitched a ride with Met over to his school and then took a cab to the Flower Market. I had no clue where we were in relation to the market, and the cabbie must have know (or just figured it out since we'
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