6/9/01 Day Eight ∼ from Despina's Infamous Green Journal (3/23/02; WC 205)

Jun 09, 2001 22:50

Table of Contents (SOTFW: SC summercircles)
Table of Contents (Despina's IGJ summercircles)
Table of Contents (travelsfar)

Despina's Infamous Green Journal

Day Eight


Day Eight -- Morning:

Up @ 5 am.

It has been so long since I did any drawing or painting that I didn't remember how satisfying to the soul it is!  No wonder it absorbed me so readily when I was younger.

I was afraid when I started in on the mural on my refrigerator that I had lost my touch.  It seems fine, but I DO seem to be missing some muscles that allowed me to stand with a palate and brush in weird positions while I painted for hours!

Or maybe I am still sore from my little walk.  I think I will decide to believe that.  It is less damaging to one's ego.

I won't write very long this morning.  I want to get back to painting!

Day Eight -- Siesta:

The paint is wet and the sky is cloudy, so I am hoping the rain will hold off until we get a clear coat on and dried to protect them.  I told Sarita that it WOULDN'T dare rain on my horses until they were dry and protected.  Her eyes got dutifully wide at that!  These kids are so easy to love.  They've quite stolen my heart.


Last updated12/7/15 Added ∼; colored day of the week, time headings; 11/29/15 Standardized headings, tags; 11/29/15 added second space after end punctuation; 3/22/10 chained into novel; added to TOC. 1/5/10 Added back to painting. 3/10/02.

Word Count: 205


sotfw: sc: digj

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