1/9/01 Rounding Out the Sheriff ∼ from Despina’s IG Journal (11/26/15; WC 298)

Jan 09, 2001 20:10

Table of Contents (SOTFW: SC summercircles)
Table of Contents (Despina's IGJ summercircles)
Table of Contents (travelsfar)

Despina's Infamous Green Journal

Rounding Out the Sheriff


I seem to be undecided about how to name the sheriff.  Sheriff - something Irish is as far as I got the first time he appeared.

Tex calls him "Bobbie", and policemen are traditionally Irish, at least in New York.  I guess I am not letting a few thousand miles of misplaced geography stand in my way here…  But Bobbie is a British policeman, not Southwestern USA.  Today I was back to the Irish bit.  I came up with a few sample names:

Robert Mullaney

Robert M. A. Bellamy (Julie Vander Mere's suggestion)

Michael A. Bellamy (M. A. Bellamy) under the influence of Julie's funny song mishearing…  (It turned out to be Ma Belle Amie by Tee-Set)

Tex now calls him "Mickey".  He is manly enough, however, that I doubt anyone will be tempted to add "Mouse".  :)

Also considered McLoughlin - Viking, MacDermott - free from jealousy

Vi (short for Violet) - Sheriff's widowed mother who is a bit of a dreamer, but very sweet-natured and "motherly".

He is loyal, dedicated, but not slavish to what bureaucrats wish would happen.  Tall, well-muscled, fit, very blue eyes, square-jawed.  He wants to stand for justice, not just enforce the law - the spirit of the law counts with him.  He considers everyone in town part of what he owes protection to.  He allows other’s foibles to “breathe”, not slavishly stifle them by adhering to a hard and fast “right”.  He doesn’t drink on duty, but is not above taking a drunk home safely.  He’ll get his hands dirty, go the extra mile, short change his social life to dedicate himself to his duty to protect and serve.

Ran with Cu as a child all over town and the surrounding desert and mountains.


Last updated 1/21/16 Switched -- to -; and ... to …; changed on to about; 12/7/15 Added second space after end punctuation where missing; added ∼; 11/26/15.

Word Count: 298


sotfw: sc: digj

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