Table of Contents (SOTFW: SC summercircles) Table of Contents (Despina's IGJ summercircles) Table of Contents (travelsfar) BackDespina's Infamous Green Journal
The students all did pretty well today in the review. The junior high kids had their Spanish numbers and colors down pat, and most of the high school kids could get through I, you, and he/she forms for a brand new -ar verb, to sing. We did the review in teams, and lots of coaching happened that was really good.
I had a kind of embarrassing thing happen in one class, however. They were putting body parts and clothing on the board, and I wasn't paying good enough attention when it got to the far end of the board. One girl was translating la camisa, the shirt, and left the "r" out by accident. Oh, you should have heard the uproar. I bet NOBODY misses THAT word! Had it been someone else, I might have thought it was deliberate.
Last night, a new development hit the dream scene: a new love interest -- a sheriff this time. Not as good-looking as the first one, but no dog, either. And definitely sweeter. I doubt he'll dash off to marry someone else!
He rates a separate entry. I'll put it in tomorrow's journal entry. Maybe she'll get some real romance after all!
Next Last updated 11/26/15 Added The junior high kids had; and of the high school kids; and for a brand new -ar verb,; and Maybe she'll get some real romance after all!; changed be to dash; 11/8/2015 standardized heading; added second space after some end punctuation where it was missing; 3/26/10 Chained into novel. Added to TOC. 12/22/09 Changed they did it on purpose to it was deliberate; changed on to in; added entry. 8/2/04.
Word Count: 207