girls(aka ash, margot, ginna, callie, alex, whitney): sorry i havent talked to anyone. ive been deathly ill super busy my roomate is crazy my family is crazy
getting a biopsy done sucks, and its scary. making new photographs is a release. sleeping late is refreshing. looking for a studio is stressful. having nightmares is getting old.
so yesterday me and ryan decide "lets go buy a scratch ticket" we do and i keep winning like 2 or 4 $ so we buy more with that. then, ryan does a little scratchin and wins 400 fucking dollars so we buy a couple more tickets, and i win 50$
siiiiiiiiiiick we went to best buy and bought new video games haha
it snowed about 15 inches last night. so i didnt have to go to work this morning because i couldnt get there and it was amazing sleeping in. then me and ryan braved the winter to get falafels and i spent the day watching tv. then i got stoned and went sledding and it was awesome. today was relaxing and much needed.