The Endless Circle of Lost Hate & Friendship

Aug 23, 2008 21:38

1. Name/Nickname: Michiru
2. Age: 18
3. Gender: Female
4. Birthdate: January 10

5. Likes: Sarcasm, wit, history, foreign languages/cultures, forensic/medical shows, porn, manga/anime, cosplay/sewing/designing, writing, music, hanging out with my friends, doing something random/spur of the moment, pay day, driving (in my big truck. Very fast. :D 98 Dodge Ram 1500 V8 ftw), sleeping.
6. Dislikes: Stupid/ignorant/irritating/loud/obnoxious/closed-minded/overly religious people, corruption, people who lie/cheat/backstab me or my close friends, not getting enough sleep, working too much, when I have to work to make up for putting something off to the last minute, bicyclists who think they OWN THE DAMN ROAD, people who drive too slow, people who abuse animals, bad internet connection, boredom.
7. Strong Points: Intelligent, creative, leadership abilities, tenacity, adaptability, strong willed, wisdom (such as with life’s little and big problems).
8. Weak Points: Bossy, moody, whiney, procrastinator/lazy, bitchy, need to be in charge, stubborn, sometimes find it hard to express my emotions.

9. Talents: Writing, music, sewing, seeing through people/situations, tutoring/teaching people, learning quickly, languages, remembering facts.
10. Hobbies: They’re virtually the same as my likes.
11. What's your personality in three to six words: Unique, eccentric, bold/strong (as in… a very forceful type of personality).

12. Favorite Color: Blue/black/purple
13. Image Color: (The color you look best with) Black, I’ll say.
14. Favorite Animal: Wolf
15. Favorite Food: Almost anything asian
16. Favorite Quote: I have many, but I think I want to go with this one right now:
“All these condescending assholes, showing me sympathy…your pity is better served on someone else. You may as well spit in my face.”-Nnoitora Jiruga from BLEACH.
I hated him for the sexist bastard he is for the longest time, until he said that. I relate to that feeling, because I hate when people look down on me and pretend to pity me; I want to be seen for my strength, not recognized for something someone views as “pitiable” or “sad”.
17. Personal Motto: (Different from Favorite Quote) “To thy own self be true” pretty much sums my motto up. I’m always who I am, and even if I don’t always scream certain things to the world if I am confronted about something to do with who I am, I will admit it. I am who I am and I don’t try to be anyone else, because doing that-it just makes one miserable.
18. Night or Day? Twilight. It’s pretty, and it’s not too bright or too dark.

19. Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why: It’s hard for me to pick a favorite from this series. Astaroshe is definitely up there on the list, because she doesn’t take crap from anyone, and even if she gets pissy with people a lot of the time she’s still going to come through and back them up when the going gets tough; I like that kind of loyalty.
Along with Asta though I have to say I really like Deitrich. I think it’s because he’s so very good at manipulating people and he’s so crafty and cunning-I admire people who virtually can play god because they just know what buttons to push and what strings to pull. He’s one of the few characters who has an attitude and has the right to have it because let’s face it, he can back up his ego with more than his mouth.
20. Least Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why: Francesco, hands down. I can’t stand the way he treats Alessandro, acting as if he has the right to scream at him and force him into compliance with his every whim and scheme (which yes, he does do that to everyone but ugh, he makes Alessandro cry for Pete’s sake). I also hate how he has absolutely no regard for Alessandro as anything other than the Pope, as a pawn, such as the episode where he was willing to let Alessandro die just to get what he wanted. I can’t stand such callousness and disloyalty towards someone that should be held in a much higher regard than that. Pretty much everything about Francesco pisses me off to the extreme.

21. Are you Mature or Immature: I’m quite mature, especially for my age. I mean, obviously I have plenty of moments where I act like the teenager I am, but not many overall.
22. Are you a Leader or Follower: I’m the leader. People do what I want to, or I go on my own.
23. Are you Optimistic or Pessimistic: Realistic, which tends to be more pessimistic. Because let’s face it, in reality? You don’t always get what you want and you end up disappointed more often than not.
24. Are you Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing when I get a feel for the situation and people I’m around, but I can be pretty awkward socially (especially if it has to do with romance oh god).

25. Include a picture or describe yourself:¤t=Picture432.jpg¤t=Picture336.jpg
26. Anything else: Not really, no.
27. Please link the 3 people you voted for here as proof: (IF there was only two down to no people that you were able to vote for leave a note saying so here.)
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